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关键字: 游艇 游艇产业 经营模式 游艇俱乐部
Business model is an important part of enterprise management; it is a profound impact
on the development of the enterprise. In different stage especially enterprise strategic
transformation period, business model also need to undertake corresponding adjustment for
achieving the strategic goal, in order to ensure the business model for the continued role.
This paper studies Suzhou Taihu mercury yacht club that is the first Chinese company
of the private membership yacht club with international level and integration. It analyzes
the existing business strategy and business model and finds the existing problems by the
strategic analyzing method .This paper also provides a strategic management goals in
accordance with the club’s strategic requirements. On the basis of the goal of strategic
management, this paper analyzes the club’s existent business model system and finds the
existent problems and redesigns the right business model by use of the suitable business
model techniques.
This paper does the following efforts: firstly, during analyzing and designing business
mode , really realizes the importance of the accordance between the corporation's
development strategy and management strategy; Secondly, studies the business model of
the club and the yacht industry and brings forward relative suggestions; Finally, redesigns
the Suzhou Taihu mercury club &marina’s business model systems. This paper is
meaningful for the like the yacht club’s enterprise management.
Key words: Yacht ,Yacht Industry , Business model, Yacht Club
版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135