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Superior 优秀95.0 - 100 % Excellent 优良90.0 - 94.9 %
Good 良好80.0 - 89.9 % Fair 中等70.0 - 79.9 %
Failure 不及格< 70.0 %
Superior grade (95.0 -100 %): - 优秀
This grade is awarded to plants that have no identified food safety problems and very few
areas for improvement. 没有安全问题, 几乎没有需要改进之处.
Excellent grade (90.0 - 94.9%): - 优良
This grade is given to plants that have no critical findings and only a few minor food safety
problems. 没发现关键问题, 只有几个小的食品安全问题.
Good grade (80.0 - 89.9%): - 良好
This grade is awarded to plants that have some food safety problems, possibly including critical
findings, but there is no evidence of contaminated product and the plant shows a concern in
correcting the problems immediately. 有一些食品安全问题, 或许包括关键发现,但没有污染
的产品, 工厂关切立即纠正问题.
Fair grade (70.0 - 79.9%): - 中等
This grade is awarded to plants that have numerous food safety problems, including critical
findings, but does not have any contaminated product. 工厂有许多食品安全问题,包括关键发
现, 但没有任何污染的产品。。。
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