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传播目标:强化宝来家族的品牌形象,持续深耕“向上人生路” 品牌主张Communication Objective: deep farming “Improving your life” brand proposal continually传播策略:广告结合新年氛围,表达全系产品动力升级的概念;线下借助节日促销提升店头集客,为年底冲量增力Communication Strategy: combining the new year atmosphere ,the ad display the concept of full linepower upgraded; promotion at dealers is good for strengthening brand preference and sales传播时间:1- 3月Communication period: Jan.-Mar.传播调性:温馨、喜庆、欢乐Tone & Manner:warm, joyous,happy结合事件:联合春节推广,年底新老用户回馈Integrated event: combining the new year promotion, thanking feedback the new and old customers传播主题:新年新活力,宝来全系动力升级Communication theme: New year new vitality, Bora full line power upgraded
版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135