2010年度上海大众汽车大众品牌经销商销售激励政策SVW Dealer Sales Incentive Policy in Y2010一、 目的Purpose:1. 合并季度达标奖、季度贡献奖、年度贡献奖、销售规范奖为季度销售达成与满意度管理综合奖,以体现销售完成与销售、售后满意度并重的理念;Incorporate Quarterly Target Achievement Bonus /Quarterly Contribution bonus/ Annual Contribution bonus /Sales Standard Bonus for Quarterly Target Achievement and Sales & After-Sales Satisfaction Bonus;2. 改经销商能力提升奖为销售管理奖,关注经销商销售规范;Change Dealer Capability Promotion Bonus to Sales Management Bonus, focus on dealer sales standard;3. 奖额改为单车税前开票价的百分比;Using rate of dealer price before tax;4. 以经销商车辆出库作为零售统计依据;Retail volume statistics based on the cars which have been delivered;5. 对于销售在非经销商责任区域内的车辆,将扣回75%的开票折扣,以提高经销商在区域内的直销积极性并继续抑制经销商的不正当竞争行为;The cars sold beyond dealers areas will be deducted back 75% of the Margin. Enhance the dealer motivation of retail sales and restrict cross-territory sales;6. 对用户信息(CIA)抽查不准确的车辆扣回返利;Cars bonus will be deducted if the selected cars customer information is not accurate;7. 由经销商交车的上海大众关键客户营销科的销售将通过佣金方式结算,不计入经销商和RSSC的销量;Fleet sales by dealers will be calculated by commission, not count into the dealer and RSSC sales volume;8. 关注网络成员对市场占有率提升的贡献;Focus on network contribution to market share increasing;9. 上海大众对于积极开展品牌形象建设及维护的经销商给予一定的折扣补贴支持;Dealers who take more efforts on brand image construction and maintenance will get a discount from SVW;10. 途观车型的奖励政策将另行颁布;This Incentive