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《2010年康明斯发动机供应商(供方)评价表》(xls).rar SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT SYSTEM 供应商评价体系(2010) Component Name参加人员:   评审时间:年月 评价项目ltems 序号Level  评价内容Evaluation contents 涉及部门 相关文件与问题回答 1 2 3 Quality     质量 A Statistical Process Control统计过程控制 1 Is Statistical Process Control prevalent ?普遍存在统计过程控制吗? 2 How many processes are monitored using SPC ? 有多少使用SPC的流程受到监控? 3 How often is the data reviewed ? 多久评测数据一次? 4 What actions have resulted from the control chart reviews ? 从评测中产生什么控制行动? 5 Are operators/technicians familiar with SPC ? 操作者/技术员熟悉SPC吗? B Process Capability流程能力 1 Are all the processes capable ? 所有流程能力充足吗? 2 What % of the processes are capable ? %的流程能力充足? 3 Does the supplier supply CpK data to their customers regularly ? 供应商定期向他们的客户提供CPK值吗? 4 How are the processes' capability monitored ? What is the frequency of the monitoring ?如何监控流程能力?监测频次是多少? 5 What actions have resulted from the Cpk reviews ? Cpk评审后有什么措施? 6 What tools are used to assess if processes are monitored and identify "Out of Control" conditions ? 使用何种工具监测流程,怎么知道流程失控? 7 Do parts consistently exceed minimum specifications ? 零件一直大于最小CPK指标吗? 8 What % of the critical features are produced by manual operations ?手工操作中有多少关键指标?  9 What % of the major features are produced by manual operations ?手工操作中有多少主要指标?   10 What % of the minor features are produced by manual operations ?手工操作中有多少次要指标?   C Quality Support Capability质量支持能力 1 Are there adequate quality engineers ? 质量工程师充足吗? 2 Are the quality engineers capable ? 质量工程师有能力吗? 3 What is the average experience of the engineers ?工程师的平均经验是什么? 4 Do operators understand GD&T ? 操作者理解GD&T 吗? 5 Are they trained regularly in GD&T ? 他们是否定期培训GD&T ? 尺寸和形位公差 6 What Statistical Software does the supplier use ? 供应商使用什么统计软件? 7 Can we correlate with Minitab ? 我们能使用 Minitab 吗?  8 What is the training plan for quality engineers and technicians ?质量工程师及技术员的培训计划是什么? D MSA ( Measurement Systems Analysis)测量系统分析 1 Are gages, test and measurement equipment calibrated and maintained ?量具、调试、监测设备经过计量和维护吗? 2 Is there a schedule ? What is the conformance to the schedule有计划安排吗?与计划一致吗? 3 What kind of gages are they using ? 使用什么种类的量具? 4 What is the Gage R&R of critical gages ? Provide R&R data of five critical gages 关键量具的重复性/再现性如何?提供五种关键量具的重复性/再现性 5 How often are Gage R&R's done ? 多久进行重复性/再现性测试? 6 Do supplier gauges correlate to Cummins Plant or Tech Center gauges?供应商的量具与康明斯工厂或技术中心的量具是一致的吗? E Overall Capability总体能力 1 What % of the tolerance do the critical gages take up ?关键量具的测量误差占公差的%? 2 Has the capability of the process been improved over time ?流程能力得到持续提高了吗? 3 How many functional tests are used to check/failsafe ?有多少功能测试用于检测/防错? 4 Does the supplier continuously improve process capability ?供应商持续改进过程能力如何 F Corrective Actions 纠错行动 1 IS  "Root cause" analysis prevalent ? 有根本原因分析吗? 2 How do they manage the corrective action process ? 他们如何管理纠正行动流程? 3 What is the throughput of their Customer's Corrective Actions ?他们的客户纠正行动有输出吗 4 How well do they contain problems ? 他们如何对待问题? 5 What is the mean time of short term response ?短期反应的平均时间如何? 6 "How effective are the CAR's ? CAR的有效性如何 【CAR (Corrective Action Requirement)   纠正措施要求】" 7 What are some of the mistake-proofing  actions ? 有防错计划吗 8 Does the supplier use Six Sigma to reduce variation in processes ?供应商使用六西格玛方法降低流程变异吗  9 Does the supplier use Shainin techniques to reduce variation in process ? 供方用Shainin技术减少过程偏差吗 G Product/Process Changes产品/流程更改 1 How are process/product changes managed ?流程/产品更改管理如何? 2 How many product changes has the supplier recommended ? 供应商建议多少产品改变? 3 How many process changes does the supplier make/year ?供应商每年改进多少流程? H APQP产品质量先期策划 1 IS APQP used for product introduction ? 使用APQP导入产品吗? 2 How many parts were launched using APQP process ?多少零件使用APQP流程? 3 How is the PPAP Process managed and executed ? PPAP流程管理及使用如何? 4 Is there correlation between PPAP and Current Process ?PPAP与目前的流程有关联吗 5 Are there any gaps between Cpk of PPAP and the current process ?PPAP 中的Cpk值与当前流程有差距吗? 6 How is parts' cleanliness measured ? 零件的清洁度测量结果如何 7 Are Millipore equipment used ? 使用微孔设备吗 8 Are critical parts manufacturing areas kept clean ? 关键零件加工区域保持清洁吗 9 How are parts packaged ? 零件如何包装? 10 Does the Supplier execute PCC Runs or similar process ?使用生产能力评价或类似的流程控制吗 11 What is the correlation between PPAP's and PCC Run data ?PPAP和PCC的相互关系是什么 I Internal Audits内部审核 1 IS there an internal audit process to ensure that all processes are followed ?是否有内部审核流程  2 How effective is it ? 审核流程是否有效 3 What are the measures?审核流程如何测量 4 Have Internal Audit CAR's been closed ? 内部审核纠正书是否关闭....

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