China by Numbers for PPT is a PowerPoint version of our bestselling book, China by Numbers 2009. It is a collection of nearly 430 graphs covering all aspects of China, from a wide variety of sources.
You can easily paste these graphs and tables into your own PowerPoint presentations. We would appreciate it if you credit any graph / table you use to China Economic Review, by adding the following line: From China by Numbers 2009, China Economic Review © 2009
Macro 18
Demographics 32
Geography 58
Historical 72
People and Life
2008 Beijing Olympics 85
Education 91
Human Resources 107
Consumer 123
Health 134
Environment 144
Food and Beverage 153
Law 165
Culture 176
Animal 187
Finance 192
Insurance 232
Real Estate 235
Commodities 242
Agriculture 272
Energy 287
High-tech 313
IT 319
Logistics 340
Media 349
Pharmaceuticals 371
Retail 380
Semiconductors 387
Telecom 389
Textile 401
Tourism 404
Transportation 417