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HengAn Strategic Planning Process
HengAn Vision & Corporate Strategy
“Best Practices”
Corporate Culture
Decision Making
Core Competency
Consumer Understanding
China Market
Consumer Research
Competitive Analysis
Product Evolution
Brand Development
Sanitary Napkins
Low End
High End
Low End
High End
Other Products
Supply-Chain Capabilities
New Order Fulfillment
New Production Planning
Marketing & Sales Approach
Sales Plan
Modern Channel
B/C Market
Export Market
Sales Region Review
Sales & Marketing Calendar
Sales Promotion Book
Department Roles
List of Key Posts (Relationship Development Plan)
HengAn University
Team Charters
HengAn SOP
HengAn GlossaryMARKETING & SALES APPROACH (Broad Market Penetration)
Sales Plans
Sales Plans are mainly well thought out presentations.HengAn’s reorganization significantly improves the Director of Sales to establish planning and reporting procedures.One area of focus needs to be Sales Plan and Account Plan development and coordination.The line management does not have clear sales target and is not involved in the Forecasting process.HengAn approaches the Modern Channel, B/C Market and Export market with distinct Sales Plans and approaches. We will review the channels separately and then draw overall conclusions.
Modern Channel
The traditional market consists of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers. But in modern channel one which consists of manufacturers, hypermarkets . there are four kinds of hypermarkets below:
分类管理 Classified management:Modern Channel is new and growing rapidly in China.
购物中心Shopping center
Carrefour、RT-Mart、Wal-Mart、BeiJing HuaLian、Trust-Mart、Homeworld、Hymall、OuShang、WanJia、A.Best
仓储客户Warehousing customer
普尔斯马特、万客隆、山姆(沃尔玛)Metro,Pricesmart, Mekro, Sam’s club(Wal-Mart)
上海华联、华润、上海捷强、上海联华 上海农工商、苏果ShangHaiHuaLian, CRC, ShangHaiJieQiang, ShangHaiLianHua, ShangHaiNongGongShang, SuGuo
连锁便利 Convenience stores
HengAn has only had varied participation with a few Key Accounts.Current status is as follows:
We have already signed national contract with Carrefour, RT-Mart and BJ HuaLian
We are negotiating with SH HuaLian, AuChan and Metro.
The regional contract has been signed with Wal-Mart, Makro
注:兰色部分为销售额前5名客户Blue one is Top 5 ones in sales revenue
绿色部分为具有相当潜力的客户Green one is customer with huge potential
With the development of modern channel, measures needs to be taken for reinforcing our core competence in this field are as follows:
With the establishment of key account department, modern channel management will be reinforced
The SKU price will be unified and special SKU list will be developed for each Key Account
TCT methodology will be internalized in HengAn group
The promotion budget will be developed for reinforcing consumer pull
SWOT analysis: From the SWOT analysis we an see the competitiveness and high customer demands on performance:
强大的综合实力及良好的产品质量Powerful integrative strength and good product quality
-产品线长,有利于满足现通重点客户不同区域的的品项需求Long product line, we can make good use of it to meet category needs comes from modern key accounts in Different r regions
恒安产品为全国市场领导者,较高品牌知名度及市场占有率 We are the national leader, we have good brand awareness and high market share
缺乏现通重点客户尤其是跨区域性、全国性现通重点客户的管理经验We lack of management experience on modern channel key accounts, especially for cross-boundary and national modern channel key accounts.
管理分散,尚未组建有效的零售重点客户管理机构management is poorly organized, the effective retailkey accounts management organization is still not available
不同区域实际销售的品项及价格差异较大There is a big difference in category and price for different regions
重点客户门店分布的核心城市及部分A类城市市场基础薄弱The market foundation of core cities and some A level cities where key accounts store locates is weak
集团对零售重点客户的重视程度增加Nowadays, more attentions are paid on modern channel accounts by HengAn group.
引进TCT管理 We introduced TCT management
组建集团重点客户管理架构将进一步发挥集团的优势 the advantage of HengAn group will be further strengthened by means of establishing group key account management architecture.
各零售重点客户的合作门槛在不断提高cooperative conditions addressed by each retail key accountbecomes more and more critical
主要竞争对手终端投入巨大,促销频繁There aretremendous investments made by main competitors, and frequent promotions
价格竞争日趋激烈、价格走低There is more and more tense competition, and price is declining
Barrier description:Most of the root causes to HengAn’s barriers are correctable by developing a retail key account management structure and process to leverage internal resources and focus HengAn’s actions on increasing sales.
零售重点客户管理Retail key account management:The Retail Key Account Management Strategy consists of five parts:1) 产品品项 Product category, 2) 价格 Price, 3) 促销 Promotion, 4) 陈列 Display, and 5) 谈判 Negotiation:
1.产品品项 Product category进行品项管理:筛选在销品项,实施分销组合。
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