Manage operational schedule (facilities) Manage availability Manage capacity Manage performance Manage backup and recovery Manage disaster recovery Manage against SLAs ??ˉOPERATIONAL SUPPORT Manage security Manage data Manage on?going training Support solution (1st/2nd/3rd level) Document project closedown report Release resources ??ˉCLOSE?DOWN ??ˉREVIEW Perform contract close?out / change?over Document post implementation review Perform final user acceptance Perform final operational acceptance 偠?ˉACCEPTANCE Signoff implementation completion Schedule implementation Implement IT Infrastructure Implement data migration Perform data extraction routines Perform data scrubbing & migration routines Perform data loading routines Check data validity Implement application software Distribute and install application software Test installed application software Implement technology hardware ??ˉIMPLEMENTATION Distribute and install technology hardware Perform feasibility study Test installed technology hardware Implement Business Infrastructure Implement processes Perform risk & impact assessment Document business case Document umbrella contract Obtain interim funding ??ˉPREPARATION Distribute process & procedural documentation Check distribution complete Implement organisational changes Undertake actual org. changes Define Project Document project definition report Document project plan Document quality plan Build test packs and scripts Perform system testing Perform integration testing 乍??Нˉ PROJECT DEFINITION Document resource terms of reference Project definition approved Agree Contract Perform user acceptance testing Perform regression testing ??ˉTESTING Document