Dear all, combined the meeting of both centers, please see below the meeting minutes/to do list within wk36 and later on for both centers:
High communication between Vicky and Alen before sales meeting every monday for any new class especially special course like level 0/Toiec... to find out the integration of the course in one center (weekly routine)
Toiec is scheduled to start in PX center on wk37(S/S), 4 paid students up to now in PX, PX/PD/Sunny(corporate) will try best to get more students this week (all CCs)
Daycourse L0/L3 is scheduled to start on wk37 in PX, Sunday L0 is schduled to start on wk37 in PD, both centers try to move relevant students to the right center.(Alen/Vicky)
E1D trial class is scheduled and confirmed at both centers, pls refer to what Louisa sent you. the everning class is scheduled to start at 6:45-8:15pm at both center.(all CCs)
Louisa will update with some highlights of the FAQ for E1D trial and send to you asap. (Louisa)
A clear JD of CC/Sales Assistant/Officer will be made and send out next week. (lijing/Vicky/Alen)
A Student Rule will be drafted and gave to each student when they paid (no food/drink in classroom, no access of game...) (Pepper)
More and better classroom decoration (DoS with teachers)
9. A FAQ of how to match the new promotion with current sales policy (Louisa)
Because of the change of 144 oto 96 of kids course, any continue payment of the second half of the level will enjoy 50rmb discount (both centers)
Yours Sincerely
Center Manager
EF English First, Shanghai
Tel:58521622, 64664218