1、广州海涛酒店位于天河区珠江新城,地点旺中带静,交通便利。往返香港、深圳及国内其他地区方便快捷。酒店内饮食及商务设施先进完善,酒店员工服务亲切,多间客房雅致舒适,且取价公道合理,实为 阁下停留在广州之理想居停。
Guangzhou Haitao hotel is conveniently located in?Tian He District, Guangzhou, with only a few minutes walk from the city center yet located? in a peaceful setting with a well-developed traffic network.?? At Haitao Hotel, we pride ourselves on the excellent quality of service as well as fully equipped business facilities.?? Our staffs are friendly and attentive; guest rooms are all well furnished and cozy while room rates are uniquely reasonable.?? Thats why Haitao Hotel is recommended as the most ideal venue in Guangzhou for both business and leisure travelers.
君逸酒店是一家豪华商务旅游酒店。位于深惠公路、水官高速和机荷高速公路的交汇处。具体地址:深圳市横岗为民路8号。 君逸酒店严格按照国际四星级酒店标准运作管理,酒店在传统服务流程的基础上,全面结合现代技术电脑化管理功能实施管理。酒店建筑面积37000平方米,主体占地面积23000平方米。 君逸酒店客房功能完善: 设有标准房、高级房、豪华房、豪华套房、商务套房及总统套房,共376间/套;每间客房均配备可调式中央空调;国内、国际长途电话、床头控制器、宽带上网、小型酒巴、24小时送餐服务及卫星电视;商务楼层位于酒店26-27楼,商务套房内配备电子保险箱、独立传真机、宽敞写字台、有线电视、免费报刊、迎宾水果、特快入住及退房服务。 君逸酒店综合功能齐全: 一层大堂设有大堂吧、西餐厅、咖啡厅、商场、精品屋、花店和游泳池;以及可容纳500人的多功能会议厅
Junyi hotel is a high standard business-entertainment hotel. It locates in the intersection of Shenhui highroad, Shuiguan thruway and Jihe thruway.??? The address is:No.8Weimin Rd.,Henggang, 518115,shenzhen,China
? Junyi hotel is an international 4-stars hotel, which is managed strictly according to the standard operation of international hotel. Hotels combine the computerized functions of management of modern technology to manage in an all-round way on the basis of tradition service procedure. The architectural acreage is 37,000 square meters, principal acreage is 23000 square meters. ?Guestroom within pref