Dec.2015 (1.南昌工程学院机械与电气 工程系,江 西南昌330099 $ 2 . 同济大学机械 工程学院 ,上海201804 ) 摘要:针对叶片弦向加载系统,建立系统的弹簧-阻尼模型,利用拉格朗曰方程推导出系统的运动微分方程。分析叶 片弦向疲劳加载共振能量,对系统进行动力学分析和参数匹配,并完成疲劳加载实验装置测试。试验结果表明:当驱动频 率与加载对象固有频率偏差较大,振幅则发生剧烈波动,偏差较小时,加载对象振幅会趋于稳定,为疲劳加载系统应用提 供理论依据及试验参考。 关键词:疲劳加载;风电叶片;共振;摆锤;特性 文献标志码:A Resonance Fatij:ue Loading LIA O G aohua1,W ANG Yichun2 (1. Dep arm ent of Mechanical and Electric al Engin eern g,Nanchang Institu te of Technology , Nanchang Jiangxi 330099, China; 2. School of Mechanical E ngin eern g,Tongji Univers ity,Shanghai 201804, China) Abstract :Aimed at tlie blade chordwise pendulum resonant loading system,spring-damping model of tlie system was establislied. By using the Lagrange equations the diferential equations of motion of tlie system were derived.The blade chordwise fatigue loading res- onance energy was analyzed,the system dynamics analysis and parameter matching were carried out,and test on the fatigue loading ex- perimental device was completed.The experimental results show that when the deviation bet^veen the driving frequency and the natural frequency of the blades israther large,acute fluctuation of its viberation amplitute is then occurred,when the deviaton is quite small, stable. It provides a practical reference and Keywords : Fatigue loading;Wind blade;Resonance;Pendulum;Characteristics 和重量的增加,重力荷载的增加速度高于风荷 叶片是风力发电机组的关键部件,疲劳试验通 载[8]。同时,由于风载荷的随机性,叶片弦向受到 的载荷对叶片疲劳寿命的影响不容忽视,叶片在摆 振方向需要进行疲劳加载。 基于以上原因,针对风机叶片弦向疲劳加载系 统,建立系统数学模型,对系统进行动力学分析和 参数匹配。分析整个系统的能量、振动过程及叶片 弦向起振条件,并利用叶片模拟加载装置试