试用期评估表 (适用于职员) PROBATION EVALUATION FORM (FOR STAFF) A.员工个人欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 Employee Personal Data 姓名Name:____________ 入职日期Date Joined:_________ 部门Department:____________________ B.评估标准Assessment Guidelines 职级Position _________________________ 基础知识培训评估 Basic knowledge training Assessment 考核方式 Test type 培训课程 training course 1、企业文化 corporate culture 2、英语知识分册 English knowledge manual 3、ESD知识分册 ESD knowledge manual 4、财务费用报销知识分册 Financial expense knowledge manual 5、仓库管理知识分册 store management knowledge manual 6、产品知识分册 第一部分 :基础知 识培训评 估 product knowledge manual 7、物料盘点知识分册 Material inventory knowledge manual 8、行政服务指南知识分册 Administrative service guide knowledge manual 9、ISO9000、ISO14001基础知识 Rudimentary knowledge of ISO9000 ISO14001 人力资源部 By HR dept: __________ 日期 Date :__________ 导师带徒评估 Adviser to head person Assessment 辅导计划(由导师填写): 第二部分: 导师带徒 part 2 个人综合总结 Adviser Personal to head Summary person 导师评价 Teacher evaluation 受训人 Trainee: __________ 日期Date: _____________ 导师Teacher:______________日期 Date: _________ 试用期综合评估 Qualifying Period Overall Assessment 评分等级 (0) 差 poor (1-4)一般差 Below Average (5-6)一般 Average (7-8)良好 Good (9-10) 优秀 Outstanding score rati 主要绩效指 概要描述 评估项目 Criteria 被评估者评分 Rated By appraisee 权重 Weighting% KPI General Definition Key Performance 1.质 量 完成任务时质量上乘 10 工作结果 Job Results 40 10 10 10 Quality To complete assignments and job duties with good quality level 在正常情况下完成可接受的工作量 2.效 率 工作结果 Job Results Productivity 3.缺 勤 To achicve acceptable work volume under normal conditions 按时上班,极少缺勤 40 Absenteeism 接受指示 Be punctual and seldom absent from work 愿意接受上级的指示 10 10 Acceptance of instruction Willing to accept the instructions given by their supervisors 5.工作技能 在某工作领域拥有独特等工作技能,能为工作或公司内外客户增值 Own unique or