Vol.36 No.11 2016.11 船电技术|综述 锂离子电池仿真模拟及其应用综述 郭向峰,胡棋威,候旭,裴波,李文斌,刘飞 (武汉船用电力推进装置研究所,武汉 430064) 摘 要:在可循环充放电的二次电池中,锂离子电池以其更高的能量密度和更好的电性能,成为全电动车 (EV)、混合动力电动车(HEV)和储能等应用领域的首选电源。但由于锂离子电池存在安全性风险,且工 作时对温度依赖性大,尚未在这些领域开展广泛的商业化应用。为发挥锂离子电池优良的电化学性能,并 降低其安全问题风险,大容量锂离子电源系统需要设计优良的热管理系统,维持锂离子电池在合适温度区 间工作,而仿真模拟技术则是辅助热管理系统设计的关键技术。本文综述了锂离子电池热仿真模拟的数学 模型,锂离子电池在工作状态下温度预测的仿真模拟,及仿真模拟在电池组设计中的指导作用,并且提出 电池组热模拟顺序的建议。 关键词:锂离子电池 仿真模拟 热管理 中图分类号: TM911 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1003-4862(2016)11-0031-05 DOI:10.13632/j.meee.2016.11.009 Review on Simulation of Lithium Ion Batteries and Applications Guo Xiangfeng,Hu Qiwei,Hou Xu, Pei Bo,Li Wenbin,Liu Fei (Wuhan Institute of Marine Electric Propulsion, Wuhan 430064, China) Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries are well-suited for fully electric (EV), hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and large energy storage applications due to their high specific energy and energy density relative to other rechargeable batteries. However, these batteries are not widely deployed commercially in these areas yet due to hazard risk and critical temperature dependence of performance. To get the better electrical performance and reduce the hazard risk, an excellent thermal management system for large battery packs is required to make it in the suitable surrounding temperature of operation. In this paper, the mathematical model for thermal simulation of lithium ion batteries and the applications of simulation results on prediction of operation temperature and packing design instruction are reviewed, and one sequence of heat simulation for lithium ion battery packs is proposed.