Graphic Identity Standards Manual july 2017 developed by harvard public affairs & communications welcome to the identity guidelines for harvard university This guide is a resource for designers, vendors, and anyone who is visually representing Harvard University - whether online, in print, or in person. These guidelines are primarily for use by Central Administration and Faculty of Arts and Sciences departments. Why does Harvard University need identity guidelines? The graphic elements we use to represent Harvard enable us to establish and maintain a clear, unified University identity, both within the Harvard community and beyond. We developed these to both improve consistency and reduce costs associated with units having to develop their own marks. If you have any questions about the guidelines or the specifics, please contact Harvard Public Affairs & Communications atidentityguidelines@harvard.edu . Identity Standards Manual 03 table of contents 05 ..... importance of a graphic identity 33 ..... typography 06 ..... general guidelines 39 ..... color palette 43 ..... university stationery 48 ..... merchandise 50 ..... appendix 07 ..... definitions , signatures vs. wordmark 10...... veritas shield 14...... university signature 20 ..... signature elements 31...... university seal introduction Identity Standards Manual 05 importance of a graphic identity introduction Importance of a Graphic Identity & Contact Informati