USB 2.0 Specification Engineering Change Notice (ECN) #1: Mini-B connector Date: 10/20/2000 Reason for ECN: The USB 2.0 specified device-side connector – the B connector – is too large for use with a new generation of handheld and mobile devices, e.g., cell phones which would benefit from connectivity to the PC. This ECN incorporates a specification of a device-side mini connector (hereafter referred to as a mini-B connector). The new connector only applies to upstream facing ports, i.e., connectors on devices. Summary of ECN: The bulk of the ECN specifies the mechanical requirements for the mini-B plug, receptacle and cable assembly. It also identifies the usage scope of this connector. The last part of the ECN describes the minimum test criteria and performance requirements for the new connector. Benefits of ECN: The ECN enables standardization of miniature device-side USB connectors and consequent economies of scales and lower cost for a new and growing class of devices which will benefit from connectivity to the PC. The standardization also allows leveraging of the compliance test and certification model which is already in place for USB connectors. Assessment of Impact on Current Specification and Current USB Products: The connector specified in the ECN will not have any impact on hardware or software of existing USB products. The current USB spec already allows for vendor-specific device side connectors – such cable assemblies are called captive assemblies. All that the ECN does is to id