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Patty Lyon Taipei, August 1999 Customer Relationship Management on the Web Dirty Little Secret about the Web Browser to buyer ratios are unimpressive Only 2.7% of visitors from an e-commerce site ever return to buy again Limited understanding of how to employ the new technologies to improve conversion and repeat business rates 72% of companies surveyed, when asked “How they plan to use information they have assembled on customers” reveal they “don’t use the data”( Forrester Research E.Biz 1999) Too few of the discoverers of the new technologies focus on the technology as the solution. Buzz words don’t create sales and lasting businesses. CUSTOMERS DO. CRM on the Web Analog CRM was our “training ground.” Direct marketing was defined as “creating customer interaction and prompting action.” Digital world has brought increased speed, accountability and customization; making one to one marketing a reality. Power is truly shifting to customers. Those shifts carry rewards for clever marketers of brands. Now there is full horizontal opportunity to link sales, channels and care. Customer Relationship ROI - Level of Functionality - - R O I - E-MarCom E-Care E-SCM E-BUSINESS CURVE E-Commerce Technology-Enabled Relationship Marketing Supply Chain Management Transactions < ======== Cost Savings ======== > Revenue Enhancement < = = > Prospect Prospect Customer Relationship Cycle Customer Relationship Cycle Market Market Customer Customer Customer Customer Care Retention Gap Sales Gap Acquisition Gap Suspect Suspect Attitude Gap Product & Service Attributes Brand Awareness Target and identify: registration process (Personalization) Prospect Prospect Customer Relationship Cycle Customer Relationship Cycle Market Market Customer Customer Customer Customer Care Retention Gap Sales Gap Acquisition Gap Suspect Suspect Attitude Gap Product & Service Attributes Consideration Brand Awareness Information Detailed brand support Differentiation Value Solutions Target and identify: registration process (Personalization) Questionnaire Virtual trial/demonstration (configurators & locators) Information on demand Call to Action Prospect Prospect Customer Relationship Cycle Customer Relationship Cycle Market Market Customer Customer Customer Customer Care Retention Gap Sales Gap Acquisition Gap Suspect Suspect Attitude Gap Product & Service Attributes Consideration Conversion Brand Awareness Information Detailed brand support Differentiation Value Solutions Target and identify: registration process (Personalization) Questionnaire Virtual trial/demonstration (configurators & locators) Information on demand Call to Action Response Mgt. Lead Cultivation Close Sale (Build-In Metrics; ROI/LTV) Cross-sell/Upgrade Loyalty Build Enterprisewide service & support

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