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Executive Interview Synopsis: Assessment Phase

During the assessment phase of the project, CTO and Teri Hill interviewed each of the Group Managers to obtain input into the future organization design, their initial feedback on executive teaming and key change issues at Met Technologies.As a result of these interviews, the overriding themes, key messages and actions steps have been outlined below.

Overriding Themes
Key Message
Action Step

Organizational Design
New OD should organize business units logically so that structure makes sense and has continuity; it must clearly defines markets, should link the strategy & structure and should build a business that will grow at a higher rate.
The design of the Organization should be intuitive and responsive to strategic objective

Business Model
Model should support steady and improved growth, serve multiple clearly defined markets and foster creation of new products as well as identify products that are past their prime.
Organizational design structure should be reflecting that of a market & product focused organization.

Strategy & Business Vision
Strategy must allow focus on; shareholders, customers and employees, must be a basis for the organizational design and must formulate a structure by which all initiatives are checked for alignment before going forward.
Development of competencies will enable the organization to narrow focus as to be more strategic.
Creation of new performance management systems and processes provide the necessary checks so that organization does not loose focus.

Product vs. Market
There needs to be a clear definition between product and market internally as well as externally and a greater understanding of what the expectations are for each.
Organizational design should mandate where the focus between product and market is based on the structure that supports the new business model

Customers are the most important stakeholder therefore we need to have a greater focus on exactly who the key customers are and how do we best service them from an internal perspective.
New organizational structure should be the enabler to better serve customers.
Competencies and performance management will provide a focus and incentives based on the customer.

Executive Teaming
Leadership needs to be more strategic and less tactical, focus on empowerment and accountability, have the opportunity to share, brainstorm and discuss ideas and balance hero mentality while keeping in check with; process, structure and communications.
Organizational Design will allow executive leadership the opportunity to collaborate as well as stay focused on strategic objectives.

Performance Management
Incentives need to be created to foster teamwork, encourage cross selling, and create an environment where every employee strives to make and overall organizational contribution
Performance management process should be such that employees are rewarded for working together towards a common organizational goal.

Organizational Competencies
As an organization we need to have more rigor, be more fast and flexible, deliver quality products, be more proactive, and discover ways to lower technology costs.
Organizational competencies should be defined as such that the organization as a whole has an improved and more focused objective.

Infrastructure is duplicated in multiple areas and our current processes are not efficient.
Performance management should be organized in a manner that will help to improve the efficiency of the organization.

Organization has a very strong mid-west work ethic, but also is very much a sign-off culture, is often defined as slow to change, and avoiding conflict.
Organizational Competencies should help the company to focus on the long-term goals.

The forecasting, budgeting, and business planning processes need to be revamped to focus on meeting the quarterly numbers and pleasing all stakeholders.
Performance management processes should incent employees to be more strategic in forecasting, planning and budgeting.
Organizational competencies should reflect a stronger focus on the shareholder and what reporting a demanding market means to the company.

Key Change Issues
The organization is comfortable with change, but there is a fair amount to resistance to change, and from previous experience we have been much better at finishing change rather then starting one.
Organizational design should be nimble, responsive and embracing change.
Performance management processes should encourage adaptability and flexibility.

Global Opportunities
Currently the organization has no vision or strategic plan for business outside of the United States.
Organizational competencies and design should not only take notice of the international market but should place a greater level of focus on it.

Executive Interview Synopsis: Detailed Design Phase

During the detailed design phase of the project, Jim Dempster and Teri Hill again interviewed each of the Group Managers.During these interviews the group managers had the opportunity to discuss in detail their thoughts and ideas of the current organizational design alternatives.As a result of these interviews, the overriding themes, key messages and actions steps have been outlined below.

Overriding Themes
Key Message
Action Step

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