Working with the Gallery (gallery.xml) GLOBAL SETTINGS <thumbWidth> the width of the thumbnails. <thumbHeight> the height of the thumbnails. <useStylesheet> choose to use a CSS stylesheet, true or false <stylesheetURL> the url of your CSS stylesheet <useNumbers> use the number animation in the thumbnails (parameters are "true" or "false") <numberSize> size of the number <numberColor> color of the number (hexadecimal value) <numberX> the horizontal position of the number <numberY> the vertical position of the number <videoVolume> default video volume <videoBuffering> video buffering time SLIDE SETTINGS <item> <thumbURL>images/gallery/thumbs/1.jpg</thumbURL> <thumbDescription>Thumbnail description</thumbDescription> <largeURL>images/gallery/1.jpg</largeURL> <largeTitle>The title</largeTitle> <largeDescription>Description</largeDescription> <videoImage></videoImage> </item> The gallerymodule can contain a single image, swf or video. <thumbURL> Path to the thumbnail. <thumbDescription> Description or title of the thumbnail. This is HTML compatible. <largeURL> The path to the large asset. It can be an image, video or swf movie. <largeTitle> This is the title when inside the large item. This is HTML compatible. <largeDescription> This is the description when inside the large item. This is HTML compatible. <videoImage> Path to the preview image/screenshot of the video. Please note that thumbDescription, largeTitle and largeDescription are optional. If you choose not to have one of these fields, simply leave the afferent tag empty. Eg.:<thumbDescription></thumbDescription>