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Brief recap ? Restylane need to be the TOM brand in the HA market, be the gold standard of HA in derma filler industry, and be the #1 choice for both physicians and consumer ? To own the market by Restylane strong consumer brandcommunication to counter with upcoming new competitors Brand Objective HA category education and Create buzz & build awareness for Restylane - The overall 2016 Restylane Digital strategy and communication plan - Creative base on Big idea - Leverage Restylane 20 years celebration in 2016 Integrate ATL & BTL consumer campaign and achieve O2O Encourage and engage target consumers trial and call for action by KOL endorsement and WOM Objective of Communication Our Task Brand Objective : To be the TOM brand in the HA market To own the market to counter with upcoming new competitors Build WOM & Call for Action Objective of Communication : 安全与正品问题是消费者最大的顾虑 Primary Barrie: 大多数消费者在品牌选择上更听从医 生的意见 让更多消费者在去诊所钱对瑞蓝产生 好感 Our Task: 消除目标人群对安全问题的顾虑 Digital Communication Role & Statics Digital Role Call For Action WOM O2O campaign BY 使TA对品牌形成认知 产生实际体验产品的兴趣 CAMPAIGN 基于外围媒体平台及Social媒体平台的深度沟通 ? 以真实体验者展示产品自然效果 ? 借助KOL或第三方权威媒体引荐 ? 真假瑞蓝产品的辨别内容 A LWAYS ON SEM优化推广 ? 抗击假货,净化品牌搜索首页信息 ? 拦截竞品露出,防止用户流失 DIGITAL communication strategy BIG IDEA Natural Transformation Superiority Seeker Deep Dive Insecure Beauty Striver Anti-aging Defender Find the common agenda of our Primary target, Let them fall in love with Restylane. 她们的外貌,并没有太多具体缺陷, 选择微整形,更多是来自内在精神世界对美的苛求 Insecure Beauty Striver Superiority Seeker Deep Dive Anti-aging Defender 不甘于 默默无人 关注 守卫 自豪的 资本 重新燃起 青春活力 我们只需要告诉她们: 瑞蓝的Natural Transformation能使你: 安全、快速变美,赢得更多的关注、赞美、羡慕…… 但别人永远猜不到,你是怎样变美的 Self-lifting for Natural Transformation Build the life they want 改变的经过 改变的结果 激活魅力 颜值提升, 获得更多注目的眼光, 被羡慕、被赞叹 没有人能看出来 外 表 倍受关注 焕活青春 安心、放心的 自然品质 内 在 变得更自信 不为人知的小改变 收获外表与内在的双重提升 Find the Rallying point Build love with consumer Brand’s Shareable Unique Point of View with People 品牌独特观点 Common Agenda 消费者共同的心理或行为 Rallying Point 她们希望获得让人羡慕的美 貌,但并不希望让别人知道 她们转变的过程 They want to make people admire their beauty face, but do not want to let others know the lifting process Self-lifting for Natural Transformation Lifting your image by nature effect and confidence from within to build the life you want 瑞蓝助你悄然转变, 获得显而易见的提升

版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135
