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一出关于外滩的大戏即将上演 谨呈:上海融创绿城 Part`1 Let us with special respect to the Bund...... 让我们另眼相看的外滩…… 每一次关于外滩的变革都会改写一个时代 Every time a change in the Bund will overwrite an era 开埠 1843 Open in 1843 1843年11月17日开埠,外滩从此诞生! Opened in November 17, 1843, the Bund opened the golden age! 从此不止有了万国建筑群,更出现了国际银行、商行,开启了中国早期的国际贸易和民族工业的兴起! The international bank, firm, open the rise of China#s early international trade and national industry! 曾经的远东金融街成就了远东第一大都市,世界第五大城市,也成就了外滩的金色时代! Once the Far East Financial Street the achievements of the first metropolis in the Far East, is also the achievements of the golden age of the Bund!! 东渡 1990 1990 transfer to the East. 1990年,浦东开发正式动工,上海发展中心偏移浦江东侧,外滩亲眼见证了第二个外滩的崛起 In 1990, Pudong officially started, the Bund witnessed the rise of their children 外滩从远东第一金融街化作了上海精神的符号,进入了自己的褐色时代 The Bund from the Far East first Financial Street into the Shanghai spirit symbol, entered his brown Era 西归 2010 2010 come back again 2010年外滩金融集聚带规划正式公布,上海发展中心时隔二十年后终于西归,重回浦西! 2010 the Bund financial agglomeration zone planning official, center development in Shanghai after a lapse of twenty years after finally West return,! 如果,不站在大上海梦想角度,就无法理解今天的外滩价值! If you don#t stand in the angle of Shanghai dream, will not be able to understand today#s value in the Bund! 外滩 放眼大上海,谁能够LOGO未来上海? Who can speak Shanghai 陆家嘴 迪士尼 徐汇滨江 大虹桥 看到这些的不只是我们 See these not only our 2011年继黑石、凯雷之后中国PE欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司头羊弘毅投资决定进驻上海,进驻外滩! 2010 the Bund financial agglomeration zone planning official, center development in Shanghai after a lapse of twenty years after finally West return,! 大批PE精英汇聚外滩,金融界称这个欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、这批人为金融业的蓝色势力! A large number of PE elite gathered in the Bund, the financial sector, this group of people called the industry financial blue forces! 外滩从此进入了蓝色时代 The Bund has now entered the era of blue 上海,原址二次开埠! Shanghai, the site of two open! Part`2 Let us with special respect mansion...... 让我们另眼相看的豪宅…… 如果,不站在全球视野的角度,就无法正确理解黄埔湾! Do not stand on the global view, will not be able to correctly understand the Gulf of Whampoa ! 在美国,这里是纽约,这里是中央公园,这里有华尔街。 In the United States, here is New York, here is the Central Park. 这里有ONE-57。 There is ONE-57 美国最贵的豪宅公寓。 The United States of America#s most expensive luxury apartment 在英国,这里是伦敦,这里是海德公园,这里有金融街。 In the UK, this is London, here is the Hyde Park.

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