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“writing_culturalcorner_TaskPPT”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
高一外研版必修三 Module 5 Great peole and Great inventions of Ancient China Writing Cultral Corner &Task Writing 1. What’s the advantages of cars? Cars have great advantages. They move fast and they give you freedom. You can just get in your car and go wherever you want. Up to five people can travel in a car, so often it is cheaper to go by car than to take a train. Writing -1. Read the essay and answer the following questions. 2. What’s the disadvantages of cars? cars have great disadvantages. They use fuels which pollute the environment very badly. They also cause serious traffic problems. Sometimes you cannot get into a city because there are so many cars on the road. This paragraph gives the argument against cars. B. The conclusion: This gives the writer’s final opinion. C. This paragraph gives the argument for cars. D. The introduction: This gives some general facts about the subject. Para 3 Para 4 Para 2 Para 1 Writing -2 Match the essay paragraphs with these descriptions. 1. How many advantages are described? 2. How many disadvantages are described? 3.What phrase does the writer use to start the last paragraph? Three Two In conclusion. Writing -3 Read the essay again. Answer these questions. Writing - 4 The structure of the essay Paragraph 1 : the introduction---This gives some general facts about the subject. Paragraph 2 : give the arguments for the subject. Paragraph 3: give the arguments against the Subject. Paragraph 4: the conclusion--- This gives the writer’s final opinions. Writing –5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of television and put the related information into the two boxes. The advantages and disadvantages of Television. Televisions were first used … Televisions have great advantage … But televisions also have great advantages … In conclusion, I think that television … Writing –6. Writing Writing -7. Sample passage The advantages and disadvantages of television The television was invented by a Scotsman called John Logie Baird in the first part of the 20th century, however, they didn’t come into widespread use until after World War II. These days almost everybody has a television, except in the remotest parts of some developing countries, and many western homes have a TV in every room!

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