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Leadership Fundamentals 领导力基础课程 Accelerated Leadership Development Program (ALDP) 强化领导力发展课程(ALDP) Activity: Warm It Up! 活动:热身一下! Differentiate Management and Leadership 区分管理能力与领导力之间的差异 Gain critical knowledge and self-awareness to be a successful leader 获得成为一个成功领导者的必备知识和自我认知能力 Adapt style preferences to be more effective 能够适应不同的风格,实现更高效率 Apply appropriate leadership behaviours in different situations to be more effective 在不同情况下能够采取适合的领导行为,以实现更高效率 Why Are We Here? 目的 WB 2 The Quality of IHG’s Leadership … IHG的领导力水平…… Great Hotels Guests Love 出色的酒店 客人的最爱 Build the industry’s strongest operating system focused on the biggest markets and segments where scale really counts 打造业内最强的运营系统,集中于由规模决定优势的最大的市场和细分市场 Brand performance 品牌绩效 Excellent hotel returns 出色的酒店回报 Market scale/knowledge 市场规模、知识 Aligned organisation 组织联盟 Purpose 目标 Strategy 战略 Priorities 优先事项 Quality of IHG Leadership IHG的领导力水平 Winning Ways 致胜之道 Do the right thing 做对的事 Show we care 体现关爱 Aim Higher 追求卓越 Celebrate Difference 求同存异 Work Better Together 协作共赢 … drives our corporate priorities ……推动我们的企业优先事项的进程 The Service-Profit Chain 服务利润链 Rucci, et al, 1998 Source: McKinsey’s War for Talent 2000 survey of 6,500 senior & mid-level managers at 35 large US companies 来源:麦肯锡2000年人才之战调查,对象是35家大型美国公司的6,500名高级和中层经理人 58% of people who have worked with subpar managers are affected as follows: 58%曾与不合格经理人工作过的员工表示受到以下影响: 86% 82% 81% 76% “Made me want to leave the company” “使我想离开这家公司” “Prevented me from making a larger contribution to the bottom line” “阻碍我为公司的最终收益做出更大贡献” “Hurt my career development” “损害我的职业发展” “Prevented me from learning” “阻碍我学习” The Cost of a Bad Boss 不称职上司的代价 What’s This Got To Do With Me? 这与我有什么关系? 我们对员工的期望是什么? 我们对员工的付出是什么? Developing Leaders at IHG 洲际酒店集团的领导者培养 The ALDP is a 10-module leadership development program based on the IHG Competency Model, that is designed to skill Band 6 & 7 supervisors in essential leadership practices. ALDP 领导力发展课程以洲际酒店集团能力模型为基础,由10个板块构成,旨在为6级和7级主管人员提供基础领导力实践的技巧培训。 IHG Supervisor Competencies 洲际酒店集团主管级能力 WB 3 战略思考 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司理解 鼓励协作 领导和发展员工 注重客户和市场 支持变革 成效驱动 将愿景转化为行动 What is your most important responsibility as a supervisor? 作为一名主管,你最重要的职责是什么? To produce results ... 创造成效…… but the only way to do this is through the efforts of the people around you 但是要实现这一点,唯一的途径是通过你周围员工的努力。 Introduction 简介

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