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“岗位职责_向上管理PPT”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
bc Managing Upward December 1998 Copyright? 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Jacintha Peeris Author: Contributor: Dianna Magnani 2 ManagingUpward Agenda Understanding the CTL’s Role Key Success Factors Taking a Proactive Approach Key Takeaways 3 ManagingUpward CTL vs. VP Role The CTL’s job is to run the case on a day-to-day basis. The VP’s job is to guide the overall relationship with the client and to step in at critical times to ensure the client’s success. Top of analytic pyramid Overall answer/implications; assigning work Day-to-day client issues Day-to-day PD Top of client pyramid Overall answer/implications Overall cause at client Exceptional (up or down) performance issues CTL Role VP Role 4 ManagingUpward Mutual Dependence The relationship between a VP and a CTL is one of mutual dependence. Information Analysis/output Insights Proactive approach to work Commitment Dependability Trust, honesty, and open communication Feedback and coaching Information on the client and the industry Priorities Resources Influence with client and within Bain Increasing responsibilities, challenging work Trust, honesty, and open communication What Your Supervisor Needs from You What You Need from Your Supervisor 5 ManagingUpward Mutual Success The CTL’s success will depend in part on his/her VP’s success. Your VP must succeed if you are to succeed Your VP will want you to succeed (as long as you want him/her to succeed) Your current VP has more input into your career than anyone else (more than you last VP, the senior management of the firm, the client, and former or current team members) 6 ManagingUpward CTL Objectives Help Your VP Win Make Your VP Redundant and As a CTL, your objectives are twofold: 7 ManagingUpward Agenda Understanding the CTL’s Role Key Success Factors Taking a Proactive Approach Key Takeaways 8 ManagingUpward Key Success Factors VPs cite four key success factors for managing upward. Assume full responsibility for driving the value addition process Find the right role for the VP Collaborate with the VP to improve the output Communicate progress and issues in a clear and structured way 9 ManagingUpward Drive the Value Addition (1 of 2) The best way for a caseteam leader to control a case is to drive the value addition process. “I don’t expect my team leaders to be out ahead of me in terms of intellectual leadership, yet I do want them to continuously identify the broad set of issues to be addressed and explicitly test their importance.” Think about the big picture. “If I write the workplan, it’s bound to be more robust and cover non-critical path issues, because I won’t put the thought into focusing it.” Develop a hypothesis and a workplan to test it. Don’t expect (or let) the VP do it. “Caseteam leaders seem to think that I have all the answers. I’d like them to come to me and tell me what should be done.” “Search out feedback from the manager/VP, but drive the process yourself.” Comments from VPs Strategies

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