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“岗位职责_ManagerJobPPT”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
bc Professional Standards March 1998 Author: Peter Aman Contributors: Barbara Bjornson Laird Reed Copyright? 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. 2 professionalstandards Agenda Compliance and Introduction Policies Cases Sources of additional information 3 professionalstandards Agenda Compliance and Introduction Policies Cases Sources of additional information 4 professionalstandards Professional Standards Compliance Failure to follow described policies will result in significant penalties, up to and including immediate involuntary termination. 5 professionalstandards Policy Areas Protecting / sharing client information Competitor data gathering Exclusivity and client conflict Harassment and discrimination Insider trading General and Expense Policies Policy Areas 6 professionalstandards What a set of worldwide professional standards (captured in client service policy statements) which reinforce our commitment to acting with integrity and honesty specific guidelines (captured in client service policy statements) for tricky situations where there is tension between doing the best for the client and doing the “right” thing, or between needs of multiple clients a group of people in the center and in local offices dedicated to interpreting and applying the policies Program Description (1 of 4) 7 professionalstandards Why Bain’s reputation and success ultimately depends on it to ensure that the instinctive reaction to a tricky situation is generally the right one reinforce a firm wide commitment to “doing the right thing” reinforce a culture which embodies integrity and honesty that we can all be proud of provide a business environment consistent with firm management and employees values Protection from lawsuits Program Description (2 of 4) 8 professionalstandards Who every individual employee - embodies our professional standards, thoroughly understands them and applies them consistently and comprehensively local office Professional Standards Program Manager - interprets, counsels, provides feedback to other offices and the Center Professional Standards Program Director (Peter Aman) - central resource to manage implementation of program and assist driving of continued program development and improvement Professional Standards Program Officer and Coordinator (Colin Anderson, Barb Bjornson) - central resource to further develop, refine, and interpret; mechanism for mediation Management - reinforce (actively), interpret, apply, provide incentives/disincentives Program Description (3 of 4)

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