Robotics and intelligent automation Combining the power of human and machine Contents 2 410 12 16 RPA makes its mark AI: transformational power but greaterand AI complexity The relationship between RPA Moving to intelligent automation How “RPA+” delivers value 20 24 28 29 How “Big AI” delivers value Top tips for successful intelligent automation projects Conclusion Next steps/ contacts Robotics and intelligent automation (IA) offers multiple bene?ts for ?nancial services companies — but success depends on understanding the strengths of different tools and automation approaches. Financial services companies have been embracing automation for some time now. Robotic process automation (RPA) has already made its mark, but arti?cial intelligence (AI) is now attracting huge interest as businesses explore the potential to unlock value in the form of improved revenue, customer service, ef?ciency and risk management. We believe ?nancial services companies can thrive through “intelligent automation” — the intelligent use of multiple tools and automation approaches. This latest paper in our series on robotics and intelligent automation looks beyond the hype to explain what AI means for ?nancial services businesses and how RPA and AI complement each other. We also identify the types of activities and processes that are enabled by different forms of intelligent automation, from processing “margin call” emails to credit risk management, product pricing and fraud detection. AI is widely seen as the next business disrupter and advancing quickly. Those working in the AI ?eld believe it is the most disruptive technology we will see in the next three to ?ve years. And there’s more to AI than driverless cars. Financial services companies are already seeing how AI tools can improve revenue, ef?ciency and risk management. Intelligent automation can bring bene?ts for ?nancial services businesses, but there are also challenges to address in ord