云南农业大学学报(社会科学),2022,16(1):22 ? 30 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University(Social Science) http: //xb.ynau.edu E-mail: ynndxbsk@qq 引文格式:芦风英.乡村振兴视角下产业兴旺与生活富裕的耦合协调性研究 [J].云南农业大学学报 (社会科学), 2022, 16(1): 22?30. DOI: 10.12371/j.ynau(s).202103072. 乡村振兴视角下产业兴旺与生活 富裕的耦合协调性研究 芦风英 (兰州财经大学统计学院,甘肃兰州 730020) 摘要:以乡村振兴为视角,利用耦合度模型、剪刀差、演化耦合度模型,对 2005—2019年甘肃省产业兴旺子 系统和生活富裕子系统的耦合关系进行了分析,研究结果显示:两子系统的耦合协调度在研究期内总体呈上 升趋势,分别经历了失调衰退、中间过渡、协调提升三个阶段。由于产业兴旺子系统的演化速度持续下降, 而生活富裕子系统的演化速度持续上升,导致二者的剪刀差 α呈“V”型变化趋势,系统的演化耦合度 β呈下 降趋势,系统演化耦合度由共同发展状态变为初级协调发展状态。特别是 2010年以后,产业兴旺子系统的演 化速度小于生活富裕子系统的演化速度,这对长期维持的初级协调发展状态极为不利。因此,在甘肃省实施 乡村振兴战略的首要任务就是要振兴乡村产业,激活乡村内生动力。 关键词:产业兴旺;生活富裕;耦合协调性;剪刀差;演化耦合度 中图分类号:F 327文献标识码:A文章编号:1004 – 390X (2022) 01 – 0022 – 09 Research on the Coupling Coordination of Industrial Prosperity and Life Prosperity from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization LU Fengying (School of Statistics, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou 730020, China) Abstract: From the perspective of rural revitalization, using coupling degree model, scissors differ- ence and evolutionary coupling degree model, this paper analyzes the coupling relationship between industrial prosperity subsystem and life prosperity subsystem in Gansu Province from 2005 to 2019. The results show that the coupling coordination degree of the two subsystems is on the rise in the re- search period, and they have gone through three stages: maladjustment recession, intermediate trans- ition and coordination improvement. As the evolution speed of the industrial prosperity subsystem continues to decline, while the evolution speed of the life affluence subsystem continues to rise, the scissors difference α of the two subsystems shows a“V”trend, the evolution coupling degree β of the system shows a downward trend, and the evolution coupling degree of the system changes from the state of common development to the state of primary coordinated development. Especially after 2010, the evolution spe