招商银行高端信用卡合作建议方案 CMB High-end Credit CardCo-operation Proposal
CMB Credit Card Center
招商银行信用卡中心成立于2001年12月,采取全国集中化运作,是国内首家真正意义上独立运作的信用卡中心,完全按照国际标准运作,真正实现信用卡的一体化专业化服务。同时,信用卡中心拥有来自美国、台湾的专业信用卡顾问人才,将国外经验带入国内市场。CMB Credit Card Center (CMB CCC) was established in Dec, 2001. It is a nation-wide integrated operation center, and also the first independent card center in China. With experiences professional management team from US and Taiwan , CMB credit card is operated with the international standard.
自2002年12月发行国内首张符合国际标准的信用卡开始,截至2008年12月招商银行信用卡发卡已突破2,800万;2008年消费金额突破2,100亿元,居国内首位。招商银行信用卡被业内专家誉为国际信用卡发展史上的一个奇迹,日前已被哈佛大学商学院编写成MBA教学案例。 Since CMB issued the first credit card in Dec, 2002, up to the end of 2008, the total card volume has reached 28 million, and the total spending of Y2008 exceeded 210 billion RMB, which takes the leading position of the market. The development of CMB credit card has been evaluated as a miracle of the international market, and was adopted by Harvard Business School for case studying.
招商银行信用卡中心简介Introduction of CMB Credit Card Center
North China : Beijing, Tianjin,
Jinan, Qingdao, Shenyang, Dalian,
Zhengzhou, Yantai, Harbin
HQ :Shanghai
East China :Suzhou,
Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei,
Ningbo, Wuxi, Nanchang
South China : Guangzhou,
Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Xiamen,
Foshan , Dongguan
South-West China :
Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan,
Xi’an, Changsha, Kunming,
招商银行信用卡中心简介Introduction of CMB Credit Card Center
我们熟悉区域市场,目前分支遍及30个城市,全面负责区域发卡、消费促动、特惠商户、积分兑换、分期等多项业务,成为同业标杆。We also focus on localization , and our sub-credit card center has covered 30 major cities. These sub-centers are responsible for the sales, spending activation , merchants and business development.
Product Segmentation for different groups
We divide consumers into different groups, and provided innovative products by co-branding with leading brands of various industries.
Up to now, CMB has launched more that 150 products, playing the leading role in product development.
Gold level
White collar
Young people
X generation
Honors of CMB Credit Card
During the 8 years, CMB credit card received many of honors and is recognized as the leading brand of the market.
2011年1月11日,招商银行连续第七年获得胡润百富榜“最青睐信用卡发卡行”的称号,并获得胡润百富“至尚优品星光圣殿大奖”。Awarded “the best favorable issuing bank” of “Hurun Report” for the past continuous five years.
2009年3月27日,招商银行获得“2008中国广告品牌营销创新大奖”,成为获此殊荣的两家企业之一和唯一一家金融机构。Awarded “the innovation prize of advertisement and brand” of Y2008, the only financial institution which ever got the prize.
2008年11月12日,2008和讯银行卡发展与营销论坛暨中国信用卡测评发布会在北京举行,我行一举获得最佳发卡银行、普卡奖、金卡奖和白金卡奖等四项大奖。Got the honors of “Best Issuing Bank”, ”Best Classical Card ”, “Best Gold Card”, ”Best Platinum Card”, by He-Xun in Y2008.
2008年6月,获得亚洲银行家“2008中国零售银行卓越大奖”之“最佳信用卡业务奖”。Awarded the “Best Credit Card Business” by “The Asian Banker”.
2007年12月招商银行国际标准信用卡荣获《理财周报》主办的最佳银行理财产品年度评选之“2007年中国最具理财价值的信用卡”。Got the honor of “the most valuable credit card for financing in Y2007” by the Financing Weekly.