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“WritingCulturalCornerandTaskPPT”第1页图片 “WritingCulturalCornerandTaskPPT”第2页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
高一外研版必修三 Module 6 Old and New Writing Cultural Corner & Task Writing 1. Does the writer of the mail live in Zigui County? No, she doesn’t. 2. Why did she wanted to visit the region? Because it is where her grandparents had lived. Writing -1. Reading Read the e-mail and answer the questions. 3. What had changed since the last time she was there? The area has been flooded because of the Three Gorges Dam. Writing -2. Read the e-mail and summarize its main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1 : the reason why the writer traveled to that places. Paragraph 2 : the changes of that place. Paragraph 3: express the writer’s feelings. Writing –2. Discussion Discuss the following questions 1. Which place are you going to write about? 2. Why do you want to talk about that place? 3. What changes have taken place in that area? 4. How do you feel about the change? unattractive old buildings the tallest and most unusual buildings dark and uninteresting fantastic shops full of everything narrow an exciting place with its coloured lights Writing –3. Practice Read the passage about Shanghai on page 102 and Fill in blanks. Write an-email about the great changes in your hometown and then show your work to the whole class. Writing - 4.Writing Dear Mary, I am very happy to visit my hometown recently, which I have been away from for more than ten years. It used to be a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the streets were narrow. Just outside the town there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life. Writing - 5. An example Great changes have taken place here these years. You can see tall buildings, a department store and a few factories. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. I think something must be done to stop pollution and make my hometown more beautiful. Best wishes, Tom Cultural Corner Cultural Corner -1 look at the following pictures and say what do you know about these buildings. 台北101大厦是一幢地下5层、地上101层的摩天大楼。包括能容纳12000人的办公大楼和购物中心等部分。整座大厦的构架完美体现了古代中国传统的建筑艺术。它以吉祥数字“八”作为设计单元, 每8层为一个单元, 模仿竹节构筑的含义, 也增加了大厦的牢固性。大厦外墙还刻上了“如意”图案, 如意代表着吉祥和幸运。

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