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Discover the trends that’ll
dominate the US in 2023
In this
report37 The exhausted
31 Page
The new
American dream
Intro21 Shake it off
and me71 doomer55 Click the dots
to navigate
Data sets
included in
this report
GWI Kids
GWI Core
GWI Kids representskids
aged 8-15 who use the inter-
net. To get a real picture of
today’s kids, you have to go
beyond demographics and
simply ask them. And with
thousands of demographic,
behavioral andpsycho-
graphic data points, that’s
exactly what we did. Dive
into the hopes, fears, dreams
and opinions of the young-
est generation and find out
exactly how to move them.
Launched in July 2020, GWI
USA represents the habits,
behaviors, and attitudes of
240 million internet users
across all 50 states. With
America changing fast, this
ongoing study tracks new
and emergingtrends not
typically covered by market
research providers, like ques-
tions around cultural identity,
race, and ethnicity.
Core is our flagship survey
and the world’s largest study
on the digital consumer. Our
data represents over 2.7 bil-
lion internetusers, offers
57k+ datapoin。。。以下略