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Volume 21 ? Issue 1 ? January 2023
International tourism recovered 63% of pre-pandemic levels in 2022, with Europe
and Middle East in the lead
?International tourism saw strongerthan expected ?The UNWTO Panel of Experts survey indicates that
results in 2022, backed by large pent-up demand
and the lifting or relaxation of travel restrictions in a
large number of countries.
72% of respondents expect better performance in
2023. However, most experts (65%) also believe
international tourism will not return to 2019 levels
until 2024 or later.
?Over 900 million tourists travelled internationally in
2022, double those in 2021 though still 37% fewer ?Based on UNWTO’s scenarios for 2023,
than in 2019.
international tourist arrivals could reach 80% to 95%
of pre-pandemic levels this year, with Europe and
the Middle East expected to reach those levels.
However, important risks remain ahead, especially
economic and geopolitical.
?International tourismrecovered 63% ofpre-
pandemic levels, in line with UNWTO’s scenarios
published in May 2022.