质金融服务的职责。本文拟以 J银行 Y分行为视角,结合该分行小微企业信贷
业务发展现状、Y省当地实际情况,围绕该银行发展小微企业信贷业务的“PH e
的基础上,根据信贷配给理论、4P理论、STP理论对 J银行 Y分行“PH e贷”
首先,理论分析。厘清小微企业的界定范围及其业务特点、“PH e贷”业务
模式。其次,现状分析。主要包括 J银行 Y分行小微企业信贷业务基本情况、
“PH e贷”现有营销策略情况,文章主要采用问卷调查的方法,搜集了关于客
户经理及小微企业客户对于“PH e贷”业务重要性及满意度的相关数据,得出
该分行“PH e贷”业务存在产品创新程度不足、灵活的定价机制并未有效推行、
析其成因。再次,营销环境分析。运用 PEST和 SWOT法分析 J银行 Y分行“PH
e贷”业务的营销策略,认为应当采取 WO(扭转型策略)。最后,营销策略优
化建议。运用 STP分析法分析 J银行 Y分行“PH e贷”业务营销的目标市场选
择和市场定位,基于 4P理论从产品、价格、渠道、促销四个方面提出营销策略
研究成果有助于在实践层面为 J银行 Y分行制定相关对策建议,提供决策依据。
关键词:小微企业,信贷业务,PH e贷,营销策略,4P理论
With the increasing importance of small and micro enterprises in the national
economy, the state's support policies for small and micro enterprises are increasing.
However, in terms of the allocation of credit funds, the credit fund support obtained
does not match its development status, and the development of small and micro
enterprises is restricted by credit constraints. Besides small and micro businesses,
such as the weak ability to continue operation and limited ability to resist risks, the
pressure of survival for small and micro businesses is aggravated in the face of Sino
US trade war and COVID-19's impact. In this context, the state actively guides
financial institutions to increase financial support for small and micro enterprises, and
strives to alleviate the problems of "difficult and expensive financing" of small and
micro enterprises. Branch Y of bank J is a provincial branch of a national state-owned
commercial bank, which is responsible for providing better financial services for local
small and micro enterprises. This thesis intends to discuss the "PH e loan" business
model of the bank's development of small and micro enterprise credit business from
the perspective ofthe behavior of Branch Yof bank J, combinedwith the
development status of the branch's small and micro enterprise credit business and the
local actual situation of Y province.
Therefore, based on the existing research results and nearly six months of
research, the author studies the marketing strategy of "PH e loan" business of Branch
Y of bank J according to credit rationing theory, 4P theory and STP theory, according
to the research path of "finding problems - analyzing problems - solving problems",
combing and summarizing the relevant research results. The main research contents
are as follows:
characteristics of small and micro enterprises, "PH e loan" business model. Secondly,
the current situation analysis. It mainly includes the basic situation of small and micro
enterprise credit business and the existing marketing strategy of "PH e loan" of
Branch Y of bank J. The thesis mainly uses the method of questionnaire survey to
collect relevant data on the importance and satisfaction of customer managers and
small and micro enterprise customers for "PH e loan" business, and comes to the
conclusion that the branch's "PH e loan" business has insufficient product innovation
and flexible pricing mechanism has not been effectively implemented The physical
network layout is unreasonable, the allocation of marketing personnel needs to be
optimized, and the promotion accuracy is not strong, and its causes are analyzed.
Thirdly, marketing environment analysis. Using pest and SWOT methods to analyze
the marketing strategy of "PH e loan" business of Branch Y of bank J, it is considered
that the branch should adopt WO (reverse strategy). Finally, suggestions on marketing
strategy optimization. Using STP analysis method, this thesis analyzes the target
market selection and market positioning of "PH e loan" business marketing of Branch
Y of bank J, puts forward marketing strategy optimization suggestions from four
aspects of product, price, channel and promotion based on 4P theory, and puts
forward guarantee mechanismsuggestions from three aspectsof strengthening
comprehensive operation ability, risk management and compliance operation. The
research results are helpful to formulate relevant countermeasures and suggestions for
Branch Y of bank J and provide decision-making basis at the practical level.
Key words: small and micro enterprises, credit business, PH e loan, marketing
strategy, 4P theory