The Influence of Entrepreneurial Ecological Orientation and Institutional
Environment on the New Venture Resilience
Inrecent years,entrepreneurialecosystems havebecomethe frontierintegration
framework of entrepreneurship research, and several large entrepreneurial ecosystems have
emerged across the country. However, start-ups within the system continue to face significant
survival pressures due to their inherent ‘nascent weaknesses’ such as lack of resources and
inexperienced management, especially in the face of the COVID-19. Resilience is an important
way for start-ups to withstand crises and cope with the risks of environmental uncertainty in a
complex and volatile competitive environment, as well as an effective means of strengthening
core competenciesand achievingsustainable development.In thenew context ofthe
entrepreneurial ecosystem, it is therefore important to address the strategic orientation of start-
ups to overcome their ‘new weakness’ and to leverage the strengths of the system to achieve
corporate recovery. Although some scholars have recently proposed a new conceptualization
of the entrepreneurial ecological orientation, the focus has been more on the net effect of each
dimension of orientation on firm growth, neglecting the joint effect of different dimensions of
orientation on outcome variables. Moreover, the generation of resilience depends not only on
the strategic orientation adopted by the firm itself but also on the institutional environment in
which the firm operates. Only when a firm's strategy matches the elements of the institutional
environment is it more likely to ‘stand out’ in a dynamic competitive environment. No study
has yet examined how resilient firms perform when the two are combined, from the perspective
of entrepreneurial ecological orientation and institutional environment matching.
In view of this, based on the literature review, this study firstly built an analytical
framework of entrepreneurial ecological orientation and institutionalenvironment jointly
driving enterprise resilience, including symbiosis, legitimacy, and connectivity at the level of
entrepreneurial ecological orientation; government support, and market competition at the level
of the external institutional environment and innovation organization system, cooperation
system, and information communication systemat the level of the internal institutional
environment, which are eight antecedent conditions. Secondly, 171 valid sample data were
obtained by questionnaire survey from start-ups established within 8 years. Finally, a fuzzy set
qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) research method with a construct perspective was
used to explore the combination of factors that generate high and low resilience in start-ups.
Through data processing and analysis, this paper concludes that (1) individual elements do not
constitute a necessary condition for high firm resilience, but high legitimacy plays a more
general role in explaining high firm resilience; (2) there are six high resilience groupings of
start-ups, which are further categorized as ‘high legitimacy, high connectivity, high market
competition’, ‘high legitimacy, high connectivity, high innovative organizational systems’,
‘high symbiosis, high legitimacy, high innovative organizational systems’, and ‘high symbiosis,
high legitimacy, high connectivity’; (3) three low resilience groupings of start-ups exist
simultaneously and There is an asymmetric relationship with the high resilience group of firms,
and the causes of high resilience and the causes of low resilience of firms are not completely
opposed to each other.
Key Words:Entrepreneurial Ecological Orientation; Institutional Environment; New
Venture Resilience; fsQCA Method
Abstract .................... II
1绪论..................... 1
1.1研究背景 ................. 1
1.1.1现实背景 ............. 1
1.1.2理论背景 ............. 1
1.2研究意义 ................. 2
1.2.1现实意义 ............. 2
1.2.2理论意义 ............. 3
1.3研究方法与研究内容 ........... 4
1.3.1研究方法 ............. 4
1.3.2研究内容与技术路线 .............. 4
2文献综述.................... 7
2.1企业复原力的相关研究 .............. 7
2.1.1企业复原力的内涵研究 .......... 7
2.1.2企业复原力的维度和测量 ............. 8
2.2创业生态导向的相关研究 .......... 9
2.2.1新创企业的概念界定 .............. 9
2.2.2创业生态系统的相关研究 ........... 10
2.2.3创业生态导向的衍生逻辑与维度界定 ............ 11
2.3制度环境的相关研究 ................ 12
2.3.1制度与制度环境的内涵研究 .............. 12
2.3.2制度环境的测量 ............. 13
2.4创业生态导向、制度环境与企业复原力的关系研究 ...... 14
2.4.1创业生态导向与企业复原力的关系研究 ........ 14
2.4.2制度环境与企业复原力的关系研究 ......... 15
2.4.3创业生态导向与制度环境的互动关系研究 ........... 16
3研究设计与模型构建............ 18
3.1研究方法 ............... 18
3.1.1定性比较分析方法 ................ 18
3.1.2方法适用性分析 ............. 18
3.2样本选择与数据收集 ................ 19
3.3变量的测量 .................. 20