工商银行 A 支行对公业务营销策略研究
Research on Corporate Banking Marketing Strategy of A-Branch
作 者 姓 名: 宁哲晓
学科、 专业:工商管理
学 号:41811419
指 导 教 师: 李永刚
完 成 日 期: 2022 年5 月 28 日
Dalian University of Technology
学位论文题目: 工商银行A 支行对公业务营销策略研究
作 者 签 名 :日期: 2022 年 5 月 28 日
摘 要
中国工商银行大连分行A 支行成立于1998 年,借助大连经济不断发展的春风,20
大连市银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争异常激烈,对公业务作为 A 支行营收的重要组成部分,是同业争夺最
监管政策也愈加严格,使得 A 支行在业务拓展上面临着前所未有的挑战。挑战往往与机
是 A 支行当下亟待解决的难题。
本文立足于工商银行大连A 支行现有的对公业务市场营销策略,以市场营销理论和
PEST 分析法、SWOT 分析法对 A 支行的内、外部环境以及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境进行系统分析,找出
了 A 支行对公业务营销策略方面存在的产品销量较低、客户增长乏力缺乏后续提升空间、
业务办理效率难以满足客户需求、营利能力不足的问题,之后结合前述对 A 支行现状的
究,综合运用 STP 理论,对 A 支行的目标市场重新定位。最后,针对发现的问题,运用
4P 理论,结合A 支行的实际情况,在产品、价格、渠道以及促销四个方面提出了具有针
通过对 A 支行对公业务营销策略的改进,旨在提升A 支行对公业务营销能力,最终
实现提高A 支行市场竞争能力的目标。相较以往的研究,本文研究更加注重从理论与实
际相结合的角度分析研究对象的问题及其成因,因而在制定相应策略时也更加聚焦于 A
支行权限范围内力所能及的优化策略,以保证策略的针对性、时效性。A 支行作为传统
- I - 工商银行 A 支行对公业务营销策略研究
Research on Corporate Banking Marketing Strategy
of A-Branch of ICBC
Branch A of the Dalian Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was
established in 1998. With the help of the continuous development of Dalian;s economy, it has
gradually grown into an influential financial institution with multiple characteristic businesses
in the region over the past 20 years. In recent years, the competition in Dalian;s banking industry
has been extremely fierce. As an important part of the revenue of Sub-branch A, the public
business is one of the most fiercely competitive businesses in the industry. At the same time,
under the background of the accelerated development of Internet finance, the regulatory policies
of the national and local governments on the financial industry have also become more and
more strict, making Sub-branch A face unprecedented challenges in business expansion.
Challenges often coexist with opportunities. How to find and seize opportunities in the
challenges under the premise of ensuring the stability of external society and economic order is
an urgent problem for Sub-branch A at present.
This paper is based on the existing corporate business marketing strategy of Dalian A-
branch of ICBC, under the guidance of marketing theory and commercial bank marketing
theory, comprehensively uses marketing analysis tools, and then gives countermeasures. Firstly,
taking PEST analysis method and SWOT analysis method as the analysis model, this paper
systematically analyzed the internal and external environment and industry environment of
branch A, finds out the problems existing in the marketing strategy of branch A;s corporate
business, such as low product sales, weak customer growth, lack of follow-up improvement
space, business handling efficiency difficult to meet customer needs and insufficient
profitability, and then analyzes the reasons. Thirdly, through the research on the current market
competition and market potential of the banking industry, the target market of branch A is
repositioned by comprehensively using STP theory. Finally, aiming at the problems found,
using 4P theory and combined with the actual situation of A branch, this paper puts forward
targeted corporate business marketing strategies in four aspects: product, price, channel and
promotion, and puts forward effective safeguard measures.
Through the improvement of the corporate business marketing strategy of A-branch, this
paper aims to improve the corporate business marketing ability of A-branch and finally achieve
the goal of improving the market competitiveness of A-branchpared with previous studies,
- II - 大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文
this paper pays more attention to the analysis of the problems and causes of the research object
from the perspective of the combination of theory and practice. Therefore, when formulating
the corresponding strategies, it also focuses more on the optimization strategies within the scope
of authority of branch A, so as to ensure the pertinence and timeliness of the strategies. As a
traditional branch of a large state-owned bank, the existing problems of branch A are also
common in other state-owned banks. I hope this study can provide reference and reference for
other financial peers in corporate business marketing.
Key Words:Commercial banks; Marketing strategy; Corporate banking
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