人保财险 T 分公司车险营销策略研究
张 柯
导师姓名职称 何公定 副教授
论文提交日期 2022 年 4 月 9 日 论文答辩日期2022 年 6 月 12 日
学位授予单位 长安大学Research on car insurance marketing strategy
of PICC P&C T branch
A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master
Candidate:Zhang Ke
Supervisor:Prof. He GongDing
Chang’an University, Xi’an, China论 文独创 性声明
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_ 摘要
2020 年,汽车欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司因为疫情的因素发展面临困境,与之密切相关的车险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司也在
果,结合人保财险 T 分公司属地市场问卷和矩阵分析等方法,提出优化人保财险 T 分
而后,通过对人保财险T 分公司车险营销现状总结,结合问卷调查和数据分析,
本文研究目标是找出适合人保财险 T 分公司的车险营销策略,进一步增强人保财
险 T 分公司市场竞争力。本文的结论优化并完善了人保财险 T 分公司的现有策略,对
关键词:车辆保险、营销策略、人保财险 T 分公司
I Abstract
In 2020, the automobile industry is facing difficulties due to the epidemic, and
the closely related car insurance industry is also undergoing profound changes.
After the comprehensive reform of car insurance, the competition between various
property insurance companies is becoming more and more fierce. The previous
marketing strategy has been unable to adapt to the development trend of the current
car insurance industry. How to timely adjust the car insurance marketing strategy to
achieve stable and healthy development is of great significance to various property
insurance companies. Based on the study and reference of marketing strategy
research results at home and abroad, combined with the local market questionnaire
and matrix analysis methods of PICC P&C T branch, the author proposes the
optimization of PICC P&C T branch marketing optimization scheme.
At first, This paper reviews the research status of car insurance marketing
strategy, combs STP, 4P, SWOT and other marketing strategy analysis and car
insurance related theories, and then clarifies the methods and paths.
Then, through summarizing the car insurance marketing status of PICC P&C T
branch, combined with questionnaire survey and data analysis, the company;s
current marketing strategy was deeply studied, and it was found that there were
problems such as single product without characteristic innovation, insufficient
differentiation pricing, insufficient development of important channels, unattractive
promotion and so on.
Finally, in accordance with the development concept of "customer-centered",
this paper optimized the existing marketing strategies, respectively defined the
product strategy with segmentation of customer groups, accurate supply and
strengthening of underwriting portfolio management as the core, and the pricing
strategy with differentiation configuration of regions, customers and models as the
core. The research conclusion is drawn by the channel strategy of expanding agency
channel, strengthening rural network channel and optimizing telemarketing, and the
promotion strategy of improving underwriting service, innovating value-added
service and optimizing claim service.
The research goal of this paper is to find out the car insurance marketing
strategy suitable for PICC P&C T branch, and further enhance the market