Newzoo Gamer Insights
The Future of GamingGaming is already one of the world’s most popular pastimes, and there is no doubt that
younger generations will shape the future of gaming. Gen Alpha and Gen Z make up around
one third of the global population, and entertainment industries are competing for their time
and attention.
Unlike other forms of entertainment, gaming fulfills many needs beyond the core activity
itself, especially for those younger generations. Gaming gives them a place for socializing,
connecting, self-expression, immersion, and relaxation. The expansions of virtual worlds, and
the metaverse, is only going to accelerate those trends.
It is not surprising that more and more brands are integrating gaming into their marketing
and brand strategies to authentically connect with younger consumers on platforms where
they spend a substantial amount of their free time.
In this report, we will shine a light specifically on Gen Alpha and Gen Z demonstrating why it
is important to understand how those younger generations engage with video games.
As touched upon in our generations report, younger generations show notable differences to
older generations when it comes to engagement with gaming. Not only do they invest more
leisure time, but they are also more likely to spend money on games and engage with gaming
in many diverse ways outside of playing. Gaming has become part of their everyday lives as
they also look to games for many other reasons.
Newzoo’s Global Gamer Research is the world’s most comprehensive consumer research on
gaming audiences and gaming behavior providing valuable insights into the global gaming
landscape and audiences in 36 markets.
, Head of Consumer Insights
(c) Newzoo 2022Methodology & Definitions
Key Insights
Gaming is integral in the lives of Gen Alpha and Gen Z
Younger generations are turning to games to socialize
Half of Gen Alpha and Gen Z are spending on games
About NewzooNewzoo’s Consumer Insights Games & Esports
Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)
o Gen Alpha (born 2010 or later / 10-12 y.o.)
February 2022 – April 2022
o Gen Z (born 1995-2009 / 13-27 y.o.)
Representative sample of the online population aged 10- Population that has access to a stable/active internet
65/10-50 (regional coverage and age scope differs by market). connection.
75,930 respondents across 36 countries/markets. PerConsumers who engage with gaming through playing,
country/market, approx. 2,000 respondents, 3,000 for the United Statesviewing, owning, and/or social behavior.
and China, and 1,500 for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and United Arabic Emirates.
Those who have played video games on a PC, console, or mobile in
the past 6 months.
Past 6 months players who, on average, spend money on a monthly
basis on games on a PC, console, or mobile device. Spending money includes
gifts, downloadable content, subscriptions, and other micro-transactions.
United States, Canada Those who watched live-streamed or pre-recorded gaming video
United Kingdom, Germany, France,content in the past 12 months (incl. esports). (=Gaming video content viewers)
Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, Netherlands,
Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Turkiye, Egypt, SaudiGaming video content viewers that watched esports in the
Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa
Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, past 12 months.
Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan,
South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia,
Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, India.
Consumer Insights Games & Esports 2022 methodology
(c) Newzoo 2022