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美洲 游客 游客报告


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At Amadeus, our technology powersWhat resulted is a comprehensive
the global travel and tourism industry. glimpse into the future, which
And as consumers and the industryidentifies four Traveler Tribes across
evolve, we prioritize helping ourthe globe. From that report we
customers deliver the best products extracted the unique traits related
and services to the market.to travelers from the United States
and Mexico, which you’ll find in this
One way we do this is by Americas regional report.
understanding what’s important to
travelers – their preferences, howWe hope the insights contained
they feel about the future and anywithin will be a valuable resource to
behavioral shifts taking place. For learn about travelers who live in the
this reason, Amadeus commissionedAmericas region. We look forward
an independent insight agency – to innovating together to meet and
Northstar Research Partners – to exceed the needs of travelers in the
understand the travelers’ behaviors coming years.
and how they expect to travel over the
next decade.
Senior Vice President
Account Management North America Travel
Sellers & OTA Americas
Helping the travel sector understand and
innovate for travelers in 2033
Our global Traveler Tribes 2033 As a supplement to the global Traveler as it suggests they’ll be open to how
study reviews how 1.947bn travelers Tribes 2033 report, this report focuses technology will shape travel in 2033.
will evolve over the next 10 years1. on the future of travel in the Americas
The purpose of this is simple: byregion for three reasons: This positivity about technology in
understanding 2033’s traveler, we’ll 1. To learn how our global Traveler Tribes general (and the trust placed in it)
understand the future potential of our come to life in this region exists in both the US and Mexico. But
sector and can be prepared to provide 2. To learn if the future forces we believe there are some differences between
travelers the best travel experiencewill impact global travel will have the the two countries regarding specific
possible in 10 years’ time. same impact in the Americas region technologies.
3. To understand how the travel sector
As part of this global research of can best serve travelers in the Americas Mexican travelers are more excited
10,345 people in 15 countries, we region.by virtual reality (VR). In 2033 58%
surveyed 1,508 travelers from the of Mexican travelers will use VR
United States and Mexico to get a preview tours (compared to 53% of
pulse on the traveler mindset in theUS travelers). And 38% of Mexican
Americas region. The survey was What are our travelers will relive trips in VR in 2033
designed based on 22 interviews with(compared to 30% of US travelers).
a diverse set of experts from around main learnings?
the world, representing e-commerce,
sustainability, technology, and travel. Travelers from the Americas region
And to ensure we stayed rooted in the are unique compared to travelers from
way people think and make decisions, other regions2. This is largely due to
we also spoke with behavioral their openness and adoption of new
scientists and psychologists. No technology. Today they own more
other travel study in the world isemerging technologies than travelers 1 This number reflects how many travelers the 10,345 sample for our
like this one.survey represents (1.947bn travelers)
from other regions. This is important 2 Other regions combine data from: Australia, China, France,
Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore,
Spain, Thailand, UAE, UK
Conversely, for 29% of Americans, having trips in 2033. Or that American travelers aren’t openness to all things new. Such things
that are more personalized is what excites excited by VR’s possibilities. But we must include sustainable travel, emerging forms
them most about travel in 2033 (comparedacknowledge these nuances. Especially asof travel and a willingness to share personal
to 21% of Mexican travelers). And while (given its affinity toward future technology) the information.
personalization that makes travelers feel more Americas region could be the geography to
cared for is what most excites 27% of USlead travel’s technological evolution. These factors mean that travelers from the
travelers about 2033, it’s only the most exciting Americas region are largely positive about
element for 18% of Mexican travelers. However, travelers from the Americas region travel in 2033 – more so than travelers from
aren’t defined solely by their openness to Europe and Asia Pacific. But there’s still work
This isn’t to say Mexican travelers aren’t open technology. They’re also defined by anto do.
to more personalized travel experiences
Traveler Tribes’ cognitively diverse approach
to understanding 2033’s traveler
We spoke to 22 experts from a variety of fields in a calculated order:
Looking inwards Looking outwardsUnderstanding what’s possible
Speaking to travel experts to understandSpeaking to experts in industries that Speaking to behavioral science experts
their view of travel in 2033impact travel to see how their work willto see the likelihood of inward/outward
change travel by 2033 expert predictions resulting in behavior
o Natalia Bayona, Director of Innovation, change by 2033
Education and Investments, UNWTOo Dr Susanne Becken, Professor of Sustainable
o Christophe Bousquet, CTO (Retired), Amadeus Tourism, Griffith University o Richard Chataway, Director of Behavioural
o Andy Hamer, Managing Director, CLIA UK and o Alana Dillette, Associate Professor, School Science at Gobeyond Partners, author of ’The
Ireland of Hospitality and Tourism, San Diego State Behaviour Business’
o Wolfgang Krips, SVP Corporate Strategy,University, Co-Director, Tourism RESETo Richard Shotton, Founder, Astroten. Author of
Amadeus o Futurist in Technology‘The Choice Factory’
o Liz Ortiguera, CEO, Pacific Asia Travel o Olivier Hours, Head of Distribution Strategy,
o Paco Pérez-Lozao Rüter, President, Hospitality, o Devin Liddel, Futurist, Teague Institute
Amadeus o Ed Salvato, New York University, Tisch Center
o Decius Valmorbida, President, Travel, Amadeus for Hospitality
o Monika Wiederhold, EVP, Marketing & Digital o Frank Schirrmeister, VP, Solutions and Business
Transformation, Travel Unit, Amadeus Development, Arteris IP
o Catherine Willis, Head of Guest Insights, IHG o Matthias Schmeer, Strategic Partnerships Lead,
o Nick Turner, Founder, Stratforma
o Paul Wilkinson, Product Lead, Deliveroo
o Professor James Woudhuysen, Forecaster,
Southbank University

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