Global Mobile Network Experience
Awards 2023
February 2023
Sam Fenwick, Senior Analyst
(c) Opensignal | Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2023 1
Key Findings
SK telecom users have the best overall multiplayerAsia Pacific operators perform strongly on year-on-
gaming experience year improvement
SK telecom is the outright Global Winner for GamesOf the 83 operators that are a Global Rising Star in at
Experience with an impressive score of 86.3 points on aleast one category, 33.7% (28) hail from Asia Pacific,
100-point scale, placing it in the Excellent (85 or followed by 25.3% from Africa and the Middle East,
above) category. Its two national rivals, LG U+ and KT,20.5% from Europe, and 19.3% from South and Central
tie for second place with scores of 84.7-85.5 points. SKAmerica. In total, 41.4% of all Global Rising Star awards
telecom’s score is 26 points above the global average are won by Asia Pacific operators.
of 60.3 points.
Ufone Pakistan is a Global Rising Star in all five
The Global Winner for Download Speed Experience iscategories
SK telecom When we look at the percentage improvement in
Our SK telecom users see average overall downloadour users’ mobile experience over the last year,
speeds of 131.7Mbps — making it the sole Global Winner Pakistan’s Ufone has achieved an impressive feat; it
for Download Speed Experience. SK telecom wins by an is the only operator in the global top 30 in every
impressive margin, given second-placed KT’s score of category. Six operators are Global Rising Stars across
105.7Mbps — the only other operator to score abovefour categories: Banglalink, WOM Colombia, Orange
100Mbps. The average download speeds seen by our Egypt, Celcom and Yes in Malaysia, and Globe in
SK telecom users are 4.2 times the global averagethe Philippines.
of 31.5Mbps.
LG U+ users spend the most time using 4G or 5G
3 Denmark comes top for Upload Speed Experience Our LG U+ users in South Korea spend 99.7% of their
Our 3 users in Denmark observe the fastest averagetime connected to 4G or 5G, making the operator the
overall upload speeds globally — an impressive Global Winner for Time on 4G/5G. India’s Jio and
22.9Mbps — around 4.5Mbps faster than Swisscom andJapan’s au follow closely behind with statistically tied
TDC Denmark’s statistically tied scores of 18.2- scores of 99.3-99.4%. The average Time on 4G/5G
18.6Mbps. The operator with the largest percentagescore across global operators is 88.9% — which LG U+
improvement in its Upload Speed Experience betweenexceeds by 10.8 percentage points. Meanwhile, the
H2 2021 and H2 2022 is Ufone Pakistan with aoperator with the largest year-on-year percentage
spectacular rise of 77.2%.increase in Time on 4G/5G is Iraq’s Asiacell with a rise
of 23.6%.
Telia Finland and Telia Estonia jointly win
Excellent Consistent Quality 11 operators share first place for Video Experience
Telia Finland is the sole Global Winner for Core The contest for Video Experience is so fierce that 11
Consistent Quality and in Excellent Consistent Quality it operators are Global Winners with statistically tied
shares the award with Telia Estonia. This is the first time scores of 66.7-71.1 points on a 100-point scale, far
that either category has appeared in the Global above the global average of 49.4 points. The Global
Awards. The two operators win Excellent ConsistentWinners are: StarHub, Denmark’s 3 and TDC, The
Quality with statistically tied scores of 90.8-91.1%. For Netherlands’ KPN and T-Mobile, SK telecom, Norway’s
Core Consistent Quality, Telia Finland wins outright with Telenor and Telia, Telemach Croatia, Telia Lithuania,
a score of 97.2%, narrowly ahead of TDC Denmark’sand Telia Estonia.
and Elisa Finland’s identical scores of 97%.
Operators from Denmark, Estonia, Japan, Lithuania
and South Korea are Global Winners for Voice App
Nine operators jointly win: 3 Denmark, Telia and BITE
from Lithuania, all three South Korean operators (LG
U+, KT, SK telecom), Japan’s au and NTT docomo, along
with Estonia’s Telia. These operators have statistically
tied scores for Voice App Experience.
(c) Opensignal | Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2023 2
Opensignal Global Awards 2023
The Global Winners and Leaders
StarHubT-Mobile Telemach
Singapore Netherlands Croatia
3 SK telecomTelia
Denmark South Korea Lithuania
TDC Telenor Telia
Video Experience DenmarkNorway Estonia
KPN Telia
Netherlands Norway
LG U+SoftBank KPN Orange Telenor
South KoreaJapanNetherlands Slovakia Denmark
SK telecom KT TDC33 Telia
South Korea South Korea DenmarkDenmarkHong Kong Lithuania
GamesStarHub au TelekomT-Mobile
Experience SingaporeJapan Slovakia Netherlands
3 SK telecom au SoftBank TDC TeliaTelekom Tele2
Denmark South KoreaJapan Japan DenmarkDenmarkHungarySweden
Telia LG U+ BITE StarHubTelenorOrange Telenor LMT
Lithuania South Korea Lithuania SingaporeDenmarkSlovakiaNorway Latvia
Voice App KTNTT docomo TeliaT-Mobile KPN
Experience South KoreaJapan Estonia Netherlands Netherlands
KT Telenor KPN T-Mobile Telia
South Korea NorwayNetherlands Netherlands Norway
SK telecom
LG U+T-Mobile 3 StarHub
South Korea South Korea Puerto Rico DenmarkSingapore
Download Speed
Swisscom LG U+SK telecom KPN Telia
Switzerland South Korea South Korea Netherlands Norway
3TDC T-MobileTelenor Salt Telia
Denmark Denmark Netherlands NorwaySwitzerland Lithuania
Upload Speed Rakuten
Experience Japan
JioSK telecomLiberty NTT docomo Airtel
India South Korea Puerto RicoJapan India
South KoreaJapan USA Singapore South Korea Norway
on 4G/5G
Elisa DNA KPN T-Mobile ice
Telia FinlandFinland Netherlands Netherlands Norway
Finland TDC Telenor SK telecom 3
Telia DenmarkNorwaySouth Korea Sweden
Excellent Estonia
Consistent Quality
TDC TeliaTelenor Tele2 DNA
DenmarkEstoniaDenmarkSweden Finland
Telia Elisa 3 Telekom TeliaOrange
Finland FinlandSweden SlovakiaDenmarkSlovakia
Core Consistent
(c) Opensignal | Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2023
Opensignal Global Awards 2023
Global Rising Stars
(most improved year-on-year)
OrangeZongWOM Ufone Ooredoo
Morocco Pakistan Colombia Pakistan Oman
inwi Movistar Etisalat3Personal
MoroccoChileEgypt Hong Kong Paraguay
TigoClaro OoredooDITO csl
ParaguayChile Tunisia PhilippinesHong Kong
Dialog GlobeTurkcell K"olbi Mobitel
Games ExperienceSri Lanka Philippines Turkey Costa Rica Sri Lanka
Maroc Telecom OrangeYes Pelephonestc
MoroccoEgypt MalaysiaIsraelSaudi Arabia
Omantel MovistarXLCelcom stc
Oman El SalvadorIndonesia Malaysia Bahrain
Morocco Philippines Egypt Indonesia Algeria
OrangeUfone JazzMaroc Telecom TeleTalk
Egypt Pakistan Pakistan Morocco Bangladesh
Grameenphone Zong MovistarYes Movistar
Bangladesh Pakistan El Salvador Malaysia Chile
WOM Airtel DITO TrueMove Hcsl
Colombia Sri LankaPhilippines Thailand Hong Kong
Voice App Experience Orange Banglalink Zain Turkcell Celcom
Morocco BangladeshSaudi Arabia Turkey Malaysia
RobiMobitel ClaroEntel Telekom
Bangladesh Sri Lanka ChilePeru Romania
Dialog Hutch
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
T-MobileGrameenphoneTigo OoredooUfone
Puerto RicoBangladesh Honduras Algeria Pakistan
CelcomDITO T-Mobile 3 Claro
Malaysia Philippines USA UK Puerto Rico
Yes A1 Maxis Cellcard Zong
Malaysia Bulgaria Malaysia Cambodia Pakistan
GTMovistarBitelDigi Pelephone
Download Speed TaiwanChilePeru Malaysia Israel
Experience Banglalink3 3Hot MobileChunghwa
Bangladesh Denmark SwedenIsrael Taiwan
stc WOMPartner Cellcom Telemach
BahrainChileIsraelIsrael Croatia
Ufone 4kaMobitelChina Unico