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The State of
the Connected
2022 Report: Sustained Growth
Beyond the Pandemic
November 20222 Contents
1. Overview04
2. The Connected Home Market in 202205
3. Regulatory Landscape17
4. Policy Recommendations 18
5. Conclusions 20
3 Overview
This is the sixth edition of our annual State of the Connected Home report, which surveys a nationally
representative sample of 1,000 adults across the UK to ask about their awareness, interest, and
ownership of a range of connected or ‘smart’ home products. The results of the survey are interpreted
alongside GfK Market Intelligence point-of-sale data derived directly from consumer-facing retailers in
order to provide an overview of the current state of the market. This year’s report contains sales data
from April 2021 to March 2022 and consumer attitudes drawn from fieldwork conducted in April 2022.
We thank GfK for their ongoing collaboration on this project.
Whereas our 2021 edition highlighted how the Covid-19 pandemic instigated a rapid increase
in adoption of connected home devices, this year’s report finds the market to be stabilising yet
nevertheless still growing in value. While the rapid growth levels of the preceding year are
understood to have been driven by the unique circumstances of the pandemic and subsequent
lockdowns, continued strong sales figures and steady increases in levels of consumer awareness
around connected homes suggest that the market can continue to generate new demand beyond
the pandemic.
What particularly stands out to us this year is the product diversification of the market – whereas
some established connected home categories are showing signs of maturity, we are seeing higher
levels of growth in new product areas. As awareness around connected homes increases, consumers
have greater interest and confidence in purchasing devices beyond the entertainment domain that
serve a much wider range of functions such as home security and energy management.
This report is a flagship project of techUK’sConnected Home Group, the community
of techUK members interested in accelerating the adoption of connected home
technologies. In addition to raising awareness around the multiple benefits and use
cases of connected home tech, the Group also engages with policymakers to develop
a regulatory environment that increases consumer trust and supports national policy
objectives while providing space for innovation and differentiation.
4 2. The Connected Home Market in 2022
2. The Connected
Home Market in 2022
Our report covers five major product categories for connected home technologies: smart domestic
appliances, entertainment devices, energy and lighting systems, health monitors, and home
security apparatus.
Survey coverage: product list for 2022
o Smart kettle/smart coffee maker
Smart Domestic o Smart refrigerator
Appliances o Smart washing machine
o Smart oven/hobs
o Smart speakers (e.g. Google Home/Amazon Echo)
Smart Entertainment o Smart TV
o Smart thermostat
o Smart plugs
Smart Energy & Lighting o Energy management service/app
o Smart lighting (smart lamps)
o Smart monitor for specific health conditions
o Smart fitness & activity tracker
Smart Health Monitors o Smart connected scales
o Smart connected toothbrush
o Smart/connected alarm system
o Motion camera sensors for external doors/windows
Smart Security o Internal cameras for baby, pets or security
& Control o Smart access control (digital keys)
o Smart doorbell
o Smart detectors (for smoke and gas leak)

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