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2022 年11 月发布
China Antiques &Artworks Auction Market &Artworks Auction China Antiques 中国文物艺术品拍卖市场
Released in November 2022
艺术品拍卖市场 年报
2021China Antiques & Artworks Auction Market
Statistical Annual Report
翻译刘聪 发布
设计雅昌·北京设计中心 融科技之力传艺术之美 中国拍卖欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司协会
China Association of Auctioneers 2021中国文物 统计
China Antiques & Artworks Auction Market
Statistical Annual Report
Supported by
Artron Research Academy of Arts
Compiled by
The Culture & Artworks Auction Committee
of China Association of AuctioneersNotes
· 本《统计年报》之数据采集范围未包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区。·本《统计年报》中的增值税、企业所得税,系据企业所提供的缴税凭证进行确认,其他数据由企业按
· 本《统计年报》之统计对象为截至 2021 年 12 月 31 日前全国所有具备文物拍卖经营资质的企业,均 要求自行填报并经比对审核。
以独立法人为统计主体。 ·本《统计年报》中有关纳税数据,均为所属期实缴数。
· 本《统计年报》之统计内容为2021 年度期间企业所发生的文物艺术品拍卖经营数据。 ·本《统计年报》中对拍品的分类是:
· 本《统计年报》之统计时间为2022 年 5 月 1-15 日;统计期内,全国共有 295 家文物拍卖企业按规中国书画:古代书画、近现代书画、当代书画;
· 企业经营数据存在异常或不符常规现象的,不纳入本《统计年报》。文房清供等;
· 按照《拍卖术语(SBT 10641-2018)》的定义,本《统计年报》中所述的成交额、实收拍品款均不油画及当代艺术:油画、雕塑、装置、影像、水彩、素描、速写、版画、漫画等;
· 本《统计年报》中有关企业动态性数据,如结算进度、实收拍品款、实收佣金等,其截至时间为 2022 邮品钱币:邮票、粮票、钱币(纸币)、纪念章(币)等;
年 5 月 15 日(鉴于拍卖周期的原因)。而主营业务收入、运营费用、主营业务利润、纳税、产业链贡其他门类:当代工艺品,以及珠宝、翡翠、玉石、名表、茶酒、饰品等。
献、慈善捐赠等其他常规财务数据 , 均以自然年度为节点。 ·本《统计年报》中“慈善捐赠”仅限拍卖企业捐赠的货币或实物折价。
· 本《统计年报》中“注册资本”、“员工人数”为年度期末数;“员工人数”以签订劳动合同为准。2021 年,中国文物艺术品拍卖在全球拍卖市场上呈现上扬态势,成
交额为482.47 亿元,中国大陆占 79.53%。而在全球文物艺术品拍
Annual 卖市场中,中国市场(含港澳台)继续以 33% 的份额位列全球第
3Chinese art and antiques auction market showed an upward trend
in the global market of 2021, with a turnover of 48.247 billion yuan,
Observation mainland China accounting for 79.53%. And in the global market,
the Chinese market (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
年度观察region) with a 33% share continued to rank No.1 in the world.
2021 年,邮品钱币、油画及当代艺术、瓷玉杂项等细分门类增长迅猛,分别较上
2021 年,尽管文物拍卖企业及相关从业人员分别新增 年增长137.93%、73.87%、60.55%,且市场份额明显提升。然而,中国书画表现
至 680 家、3719人,但文物艺术品拍卖活动仍受疫情平稳,市场份额较上年下降 10.47 个百分点,首次跌破 50%。
4 In 2021, regarding of the market segments, the categories of stamps and coins,
1 oil paintings and contemporary art, and ceramics and antiques grew rapidly,
有 202 家,与上年持平。
up 137.93%, 73.87%, and 60.55% respectively from the previous year, with a
In 2021, although the number of art and antiquessignificantly higher market share. However, Chinese paintings and calligraphy
auction companies and related employees hasperformed steadily, with market share dropping by 10.47 percentage points from
increased to 680 and 3,719, respectively, auction the previous year, falling below 50% for the first time.
activities are still affected by the epidemic prevention
and control and the downturn in the macroeconomic
situation, and the overall activity of the industry
has not rebounded. There were only 202 companies 2021 年,成交拍品价位结构基本保持稳定,10万元以下成交拍品仍为市场主体部
that have hold auctions, which was the same as the分,占比 88.08%,下降1.01 个百分点;中端价位拍品[10 万元(含)-100 万元]
previous year.占比提升 0.96 个百分点;高价位拍品 [100 万元(含)以上 ] 占比提升0.06 个百分点。
5In 2021, the price structure of the lots sold basically remained stable. Lots below
100,000 yuan remained the main part of the market, accounting for 88.08%, down
1.01 percentage points; mid-price lots [100,000 yuan (inclusive) - 1 million yuan]
2021 年,随着欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司网络化建设及相关细分市场的发
increased by 0.96 percentage points; high-price lots [1 million yuan (inclusive) or
more] increased by 0.06 percentage points.
30% 的增长,成交额达 341.78 亿元,成为 2014 年以
2 来的最高点。然而,结算进度却成为历史最低点,截
至 2022 年 5 月 15 日仅有46.17% 的款项完成结算。
In 2021, with the development of online auction and
2021 年,拍品均价继续呈现回升态势,为 11.15 万元 / 件(套)。其
related market segments, the annual volume and
turnover of art and antiques auctions both achieved
nearly 30% growth, with a turnover of 34.178 billion
达 43.23%。
yuan, becoming the highest point since 2014.6
However, progress of settlement became an all-time In 2021, the average price of lots continued to show a rebound, at
low, with only 46.17% of payments completed as of 111,500 yuan per piece (set). Among them, the increase in stamps
May 15, 2022. and coins was as high as 84.59%, while ceramics and antiques, oil
paintings and contemporary art also increased by more than 20%,
while Chinese paintings and calligraphy has declined, especially
ancient paintings and calligraphy, was as high as 43.23%.2021 年,文物艺术品拍卖高端市场再度升温,共有 343 件(套)拍品
成交超过 1000 万元,较上年增加 35 件(套),其成交额占据市场总
额的28.62%,但截至统计时,仅有36.73% 的拍品完成结算。
2021 年,随着成交额的增长,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司佣金收入达24.33 亿元,平均佣金比率
7In 2021, the high-price lots auction market heated up again, with a
(买卖双方)为15.42% ;但运营成本及费用随之增加,主营业务利润率降
total of 343 (sets) lots sold for more than 10 million yuan, an increase
至 29.70%,且仅97 家企业实现盈利。
of 35 (sets) over the previous year, whose turnover accounted for
28.62% of the total market, but only 36.73% of the lots completed11 In 2021, with the growth of turnover, the industry commission revenue
settlement at the time of the statistics. reached 2.433 billion yuan, and the average commission ratio (for both
buyers and sellers) was 15.42%; however, operating costs and expenses
then increased, and the main business profit margin dropped to 29.70%,
and only 97 companies achieved profitability.
京津、长三角、珠三角三大区域共计文物拍卖企业 530 家,文物艺
术品相关从业人员 3114 人,分别占全国77.94%、83.73%。
There are 530 art and antiques auction companies and 3114
8practitioners in Beijing and Tianjin, the Yangtze River Delta and the
Pearl River Delta, accounting for 77.94% and 83.73% respectively of 2021 年,全国文物拍卖企业创税 8.11 亿元,产业链支出增至6.62 亿元,慈善
the country.捐赠 123.31 万元。
In 2021, auction companies have generated taxes of 811 million yuan,
12 with industry chain spending increased to 662 million yuan and charitable
donations of 1,233,100 yuan.
2021 年,北京地区市场份额仍在提升,成交
额占全国四分之三,但结算率仅有 44.87%。
9计占全国 18.65%。
In 2021, Beijing;s market share has still
risen, with thr

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