音频产品使用现状 调研报告2022 针对全球消费类音频设备的用户行为和需求驱动因素的洞 察 目录 What’s inside 报告摘要 3 Executive summary 3 调研方法 4 Research methodology 4 主要洞察 5 Key ?ndings 5 影响消费者购买音频产品的重 要驱动因素 6 What matters most: audio purchase drivers 6 重 点关注特性 : 空间音频 13 Feature focus: Spatial Audio 13 联网音频设备概述 16 Overview of connected audio 16 重Product点关注focus:产品True: 真无wireless线耳塞earbuds 1199 音频产品的应用场景趋势 23 Trending scenarios for sound 23 报Executive Summary告摘要 《音频产品 使用现状调研报告》汇集了面 向全球消费者进行的广 The State of Sound report compiles key ?ndings from extensive audio 泛的音频研究洞 察。2022 年的报告基于 6000 名智能手机用户 research with consumers across the world. The 2022 study had 6,000 的smartphone users as participants, examining the factors that in?uence 调研数据,揭示了影响消费者购买音频设备的驱动因素,以及 audio device purchases, as well as interest in present and potential 对当前和潜在使用场景的兴趣程度。本报告致力于更好地了解消 usage scenarios. The report is intended to make it easier to understand 费the qualities that者对于耳塞、耳consumers seek in earbuds, headphones, speakers, 机、音箱和其他音频设备品 质的追求。 今年的 调研报告重 点关注不断扩大的真无线耳塞市场、消费者对空间 音 and other audio equipment. The focus of this year’s research is on the 频兴趣的增长、以及重 要性不断提升的无损与高分辨率的音质。 growth of the true wireless earbud category, growing interest in spatial audio, and the continued importance of lossless and high-res audio quality. 如Sound has never been more important. Many consumers today 今,音频的重 要性已经不言而喻。从日常通勤、观看 视频、畅 make extensive use of their audio devices throughout the day 。。。以下略