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KUN MING MODEL HOUSES & LOFT APARTMENT Interior Design Propos YUN NAN. 云岭之南 IMPRESSION. YUNNAN 印象 . 云南 the history and culture of a city ... 一 个 城 市 的 文 化 与 历 史 的 传 承 . . . INTERPRETATION OF INTERIOR DESIGN 设计 . 诠释 Based on the quality of the city to improve the type of project, we uphold the concept of customized product originality of high-end mansion texture, artistic, humane, intelligent, so that the pursuit of high quality of life, to appreciate the high-end design elite encounter a comfortable and elegant quality of life. 立足于城市品质改善型项目的要求,我们秉承品质感、艺术感、人性化 、智能化的高端宅邸匠心定制理念,让追求高品质生活,赏识高端设计的精英人士 邂逅一场舒适,雅致的品质生活之旅。 IN HOUD 1 6 Interior Design Proposal organic material 115 FLOOR PLAN white stone 115 115 现代奢华·雅痞风格 veneer·brick 115 115 classical culture & fashion seeking wallpaper· floor 115 2 132 FLOOR PLAN 132 复古优雅·香奈儿风格 132 honorable & quality clapboard 132 white brick 132 ferrous metal 132 143 怡情闲适·中式风格 132 Simplicity & atmosphere wallpaper 143 gray brick 143 Wood veneer 143 3 143 FLOOR PLAN 45 NOVA·现代都市 45 comfortable & Tong qu white stone 45 wallpaper 45 floor 45 4 45 LOFT FLOOR PLAN 35 Personality & trends green brick 35 wallpaper 35 floor 35 5 35 LOFT FLOOR PLAN 45 NOVA·现代都市 115 样板房 - MODERN YUAN SERIES 玉龙雪山·现代系列 Yulong snow mountain is famous in the world for its adventure, wonder, beauty and show. It has a magnificent momentum, exquisite and beautiful. Sometimes the sky is as clear as water, and the peaks are shining brightly.Sometimes the cloud belt girds waist, the cloud snow peak is bright, the clouds laid off the mountains green;Sometimes the glow of the sun, snow peak like a red veil, charming and gorgeous. 玉龙雪山 以险、奇、美、秀着称于世,气势磅礴,玲珑秀丽,随着时令和阴晴的变化, 有时云蒸霞蔚、玉龙时隐时现;有时碧空如水,群峰晶莹耀眼;有时云带束腰,云 中雪峰皎洁,云下岗峦碧翠;有时霞光辉映,雪峰如披红纱,娇艳无比。 1 。。。以下略

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