Guangzhou Longfor Residential Apartments Design Concept
A perfect combination of Modern,
Luxury and Local Custom
现代奢华与当地风俗的完美融合 Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD Project Overview
项目概况 Site Plan
235㎡ Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD Cloud
云。 Mountain
山。 Pearl
珠。 Water
水。 Design Concept
设计概念 Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD Design Concept
玲珑墨黛 Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD Exclusive Custom Detail Design专属细节定制 Traditional cultural heritage 传统文化传承 Modern cultural interpretation 现代文化演绎 Integration of classic elements 经典元素融入 Combined with Pearl mosaic etc
珍珠马赛克等结合 Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD Exclusive Custom Detail Design专属细节定制 Customized handles with combination of Metal leather and Mosaic
定制把手 金属皮革与马赛克等结合 Traditional cultural heritage 传统文化传承 Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD Modern cultural interpretation 现代文化演绎 Integration of classic elements 经典元素融入 ① Spatial Tailoring
空间剪裁 ② Material Selection
材料选择 ③ Craftsmanship
手工艺制作 ④ Detailing
细节设计 ⑤ To Pair up
搭配 Sense of Value
价值感提升 Spatial mechanism &Unique texture
空间质感&特殊肌理 Exclusive Design
特殊地拼&精工细作 FF&E
Private style Unique Detailing
专属细节 Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD Floor plan
平面规划 FLOOR PLAN PROPOSAL NO. 245平面图 Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD ENTRANCE玄关 Leather metal and wood combination creates a warm and welcoming ambience ,providing a focal point for the
opulent seating area, with bespoke lighting
enhances the tone and creates an relaxing mood. Longfor Guangzhou Residential. HWCD 。。。以下略