项目地处北京风景秀丽的延琉路旁,四面山峦起伏,一条小溪曲曲折折地淌过古朴的村落。为了将其打造成 自然 中的野奢度假酒店,如何充分挖掘并利用自然资源,实现依山而建、临水而居的理想度假情怀一直贯穿 于我们的 设计始终。
The “Worth waiting” boutique hotel is located at A quaint village surrounded by mountains and hills with acreek twines across it. Beside it is the Yanliu Road, one of the most picturesque road in Huairou, Beijing. The design crew sought to keep the state of mutual integration, interdependence and vitality of all things in nature.
Therefore, the aim of exploring the potential of the natural resources and building an ideal resortbetween mountains and rivers has always driven us through the entire design process of this project. 终于见到你精品民宿,北京 / 北京禾乐创意设计
在山野乡间获得城市中不能感受到的“生活”的仪式感 城市边缘的山居情怀
Lifestyle of rural area
整体院子背山面水,原石、原木取之自然,红砖,青瓦就地取材,没有雍容华贵的气质,但求着温和质朴的 愉悦。 一进大门,一片充满仪式感的大草坪映入眼帘,与背后奔放的山地景观融为一体,让你感受心归田园 的悸动。
Be sited in between the river and mountains. the boutique hotel is kept modesty and friendly rather than luxury by
choosing stones ,wood, red bricks and grey tiles for the major material from local environmentand village decoration. It will give you a sudden impulse to start a hermetic life in the mountains when youmake the entrance and see the great lawn which is full of sense of ritual at the first sight. It brings the
texture of the wide mountains in to the yard.
▼一进大门,一片充满仪式感的大草坪映入眼帘,与背后奔放的山地景观融为一体,it will give you a sudden impulse to start a hermetic life in the mountains when you make the entrance and see the great lawn which is full of sense of ritual at the first sight 。。。以下略