PRESENTATION TITLE NAME OF PRESENTER AGENDA 1 Current Scenario 2 Opportunity 4 Action Plan 7 Next Steps 3 Project 6 Budget 5 Benefits and Improvements CURRENT SCENARIO No more than six bullet points per slide No more than one message per slide Use visual language as a support for your text No more than six bullet points per slide OPPORTUNITY No more than six bullet points per slide No more than six bullet points per slide No more than six bullet points per slide No more than six bullet points per slide No more than six bullet points per slide No more than one message per slide
No more than one message per slide
No more than one message per slide PROJECT PLAN ACTION No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide BENEFITS AND IMPROVEMENTS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide
No more than six bullet points per slide 。。。以下略