2022 Destination Workplace Report How people value 7 key attributes of the employee experience Table of Introduction Contents 01 Results and insights 02 Segment pro?les 03 Levels and simulations 04 Building a destination workplace 05 Methodology 2 Introduction 3 Introduction More than ever, companies seeking to hire and retain top talent must show they deeply understand, and demonstrate a commitment to, the most important values of their people. Every organization wants a culture to which talent flocks, but few achieve it. Building a destination workplace starts with knowing what drives the decision-making processes for candidates and employees. For most people, the decision to pursue and accept a new job or stay at a current one is complex and involves a host of tangible and intangible factors. Key questions arise, such as: + Will I be able to better provide for my family? + Does this job align with my passions and skills? + Will I be able to have a life outside of the office? Building on these questions, Qualtrics took a world-first approach, using a sophisticated technique and our own proprietary technology to simulate real-world decisions people make when choosing one job over another. 4 We identified seven employee experience (EX) factors that people prioritize when evaluating an employer: + Compensation + Workload density 。。。以下略