2022 FINANCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPORT Selected key ?gures Unit cost per payment Daily turnover in Norges Bank’s settlement system Number of banks NOK 7.5 NOK 327.4bn 118 Value of banknotes Daily number of transactions Number of in the Norwegian Interbank accounts in Euronext Clearing System (NICS) Securities Oslo in circulation NOK 35bn 10.4m 2m Unit cost per payment: Data from survey conducted in 2020. Source: Norges Bank Daily turnover in Norges Bank’s settlement system: Average for 2021. Source: Norges Bank Number of banks: Number of banks with an account with Norges Bank. At year-end 2021. Source: Norges Bank Value of banknotes in circulation: Value of banknotes in circulation at year-end 2021. Source: Norges Bank Daily number of transactions in the Norwegian Interbank Clearing System (NICS): Average for 2021. Source: Bits Number of accounts in Euronext Securities Oslo: April 2021. Source: Euronext Securities Oslo Financial Infrastructure Report 2022 – in a nutshell The ?nancial infrastructure is secure and ef?cient The Norwegian payment system has long featured standardised and user-friendly solutions, and the operation of ?nancial market infrastructures (FMIs) has been stable in recent years as well. Norges Bank considers the ?nancial infrastructure to be secure and ef?cient. Recently, a survey was conducted of the cost of payments. The payment system’s resource use has decreased som 。。。以下略