API Security: Latest Insights & Key Trends 2022 Research Report How API security is impacting the pace of innovation at enterprises and what IT leaders are doing to mitigate risks Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 4 5 6 Threats abound Affecting the pace of innovation Active API security posture is necessary Current Assessment 7 7 8 8 Con?dent in the face of threats Is this con?dence misplaced? Companies prioritize being proactive with API security Opportunities 9 9 Consolidation, end-to-end monitoring, oversight needed More training and certi?cation in this space is needed Most agree their strategy needs improvement API security strategy not always a top priority The impact of API management and API gateway solutions 9 10 11 11 API security is a key element of a larger API strategy 12 ? 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved 2 Executive Summary With the increasing adoption of digital experiences, the use of Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs is on the rise. As such, APIs represent a signi?cant area of vulnerability for organizations worldwide. The following report examines the landscape of API security threats and their impact on the pace of innovation. It delves into the worldview of the technology leaders as it pertains to API security posture and strategy, and offers a perspective on opportunities to improve API security health. This report is based on research conducted by Google Cloud between May and June 2 。。。以下略