Arti?cial Intelligence Index Report 2022Arti?cial Intelligence Index Report 2022 INTRODUCTION TO THE AI INDEX REPORT 2022 Welcome t private, an d n on pro?t organ ization s as well as more self-collected d ata an d origin al an alysis than an y previous ed ition s, in clud in g an expan d ed techn ical performan ce chapter, a n ew survey of robotics researchers aroun d the world , d ata on global A I legislation record s in 25 coun tries, an d a n ew chapter with an in -d epth an alysis of techn ical A I ethics metrics. The A I In d ex Report tracks, collates, d istills, an d visualizes d ata related to arti?cial in telligen ce. Its mission is to provid e un biased , rigorously vetted , an d globally sourced d ata for policymakers, researchers, executives, journ alists, an d the gen eral public to d evelop a more thorough an d n uan ced un d erstan d in g of the complex ?eld of A I. The report aims to be the world ’s most cred ible an d authoritative source for d ata an d in sights about A I. FRO