THE IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON THE GERMAN ECONOMY BEVH MARCH 2021 38AUTHORS Helge Sigurd N?ss-Schmidt Bruno Basalisco Neil Gallagher Katrine Poulsgaard Morten May Hansen Hendrik Ehmann Laura VirtanenPREFACE E-commerce is becoming an increasingly important part of the global economy. The recent devel- opments following the Covid-19 crisis has further emphasised the importance of this means of commerce to ensure economic resiliency. To understand the magnitude and economic impact of e-commerce in Germany, Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel (Bevh) reached out to Copenhagen Economics to initiate a study of which this report summarises the results. Throughout the report, we dive into the concept of e- commerce to understand how it creates value from an economic point of view. Further, we de- scribe the economic footprint of e-commerce on the German economy and provide perspectives on how e-commerce may develop and influence the area of commerce going forward. This report has been published in an English as well as a German version with small discrepancies primarily reflecting language differences and case relevance in an international versus a German co