Fintech unwrapped3.0 The crypto and payment newcomers making waves in Europe Sponsored byFintech unwrapped3.0 The crypto and payment newcomers making waves in Europe Fintech unwrapped 3.0 is a Sifted Intelligence report, sponsored by Plaid, which profles startups in the expanding crypto and payments industries, and eforts to modernise identity verifcation for an emerging fnance system. It seeks to investigate the opportunities and roadblocks that lie ahead for these innovations, as well as the timelines for when they will appear fully formed. This report follows our frst two Fintech unwrapped reports, also sponsored by Plaid, which explored the trends and startups driving innovation in the payments sector, as well as the companies providing infrastructure to the banking industry. Get in touch Questions? Feedback? Would you like to partner with Sifted on the next report on your sector? Or help us profle your emerging tech hub? Contact us viareports@sifted.eu2 Contents 3 5 9 Crypto is starting to grow up Q&A with Plaid’s Keith Grose Introduction The rise of the crypto world How the previously exotic is slowly becoming mainstream Chapter I Pay it forward: The newcomer